The neighbors

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Eyyy I got these losers done


Eduardo: I decided that Eduardo is gonna represent rage games. Well, we doesn't exactly fit his games like the others do, he represents more of players of rage games than the games themselves. He wears green and black gaming headphones with a microphone that comes out in front of his mouth. He looks the same from normal Eduardo, just his eyes are red with rage. He's extremely irritable and will get pissed at every other little thing. Most of he things he says, he screams. He's just an all around pissed off guy who you probably wouldn't want to go around.

Jon: Jon represents any type of game that has a hidden meaning or seems innocent and sweet but can turn dark or depressing (examples are (sigh) DDLC, Kindergarten, etc.). He seems like his normal, innocent self and looks mostly the same as normal Jon, just his shirt is more of a normal blue shade instead of dark blue. He's extremely sweet and kind, until you get to know him. Then he acts extremely depressed, sinful, or sadistic, depending on the mood he's in. When this happens, he'll glitch for a moment and snap into one of these modes. Depressive mode makes him had purple bags under his eyes and cutting scars will appear on his wrists and his collarbones. Sadistic mode usually makes his eyes white and will make him splattered with blood. Sinful mode is just him normally with small floating demon horns and a suggestive attitude. Also, like Tord, he has a forked tongue in his sinful mode.

Mark: Mark represents artistic games. Ya know, the games that don't seem like games. They just feel like artwork. He's mostly the same quiet guy everyone knows and looks the same, except for his turtleneck sweater having paint splatters on it. When he actually talks, he's pretty nice and keeps his voice down. He's kind of shy, really. He draws and paints in his free time and always carries a sketch book with him or a notepad to jot ideas down.

Todd: I decided that, for Todd, I thought I would make him sports games because a lot of people think he's athletic and such. But, I decided to change that and now he's strategic games, based off of the fact that he runs a navy. He's extremely witty and smart, though he mostly stays quiet other than to roast someone or make a rude comment. His glasses are fogged our so you can't see his eyes, kinda like how anime guys with glasses look when they're planning something. He looks the same except for he wears his navy uniform instead of the red turtleneck he's usually drawn wearing. He seems like a jerk but, once you get to know him, he's still the depressed dork everyone knows. He likes to show off and hates Tord because Tord runs into things head first while Todd sits back and calculates things out.

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