Chapter 3: Difficult Thoughts And Quiet Classes

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Nerida went down to breakfast not long after that. She was trying not to have her dream treat her parents differently.

They would never do that! She'd think to herself.

She finished her breakfast and tiredly changed into a seaweed crop top and a sheer skirt.

She grabbed her backpack and said goodbye to her parents, then heading over to school.

The old schools building is in a ship that had sunk years ago. The teachers said that "it gives the school character". Mold and seaweed covered every surface of the ship, thick and dark with years of build up.

The administration told janitors to only clean inside, keep the outside for "culture".

Nerida got to her class just in time, the bell rang through school a moment after she had walked into the classroom.

Someone grabbed Nerida and kissed her, pulling away slowly when Nerida stood in shock.

"What the hades, Chazos?" Nerida rolled her eyes once she realized who it was,"We've already tried that, you're obviously not my soulmate."

"Hey, thought that we could try again," Chazos ended with a wink and got a slap on the head from Nerida's best friend.

"You're a prick, Chazos. Next time you think about kissing my best friend, don't." Amatheia rolled her eyes a Chazos and took Nerida by the arm.

"I guess that's just what you get for being a great person," Ama shrugged and smiled.

Nerida rolled her eyes and they both sat in their seats.

Nerida thought a lot about her soulmate, like what they could be doing or who they are. Moments like the one with Chazos happened a lot, people hoped that Nerida would be their soulmate.

She may not be the most popular person in school, but she's definitely got a great personality. Nerida's also one of the most beautiful people in the school. Her hip-length ultraviolet hair and clear lilac skin made so many girls jealous. Rumor said that her dad is a siren, that's where she gets her looks. When that rumor was never confirmed, it added more mystery to her character. The scar running from her cheekbone to jaw-line was the first. Her parents said the scar was from a Man O' War jellyfish from when they went on vacation to Portugal. She was younger so Nerida didn't really remember.

The bell rang, catching Nerida off guard from her daydreaming, she headed out of her English class, stopping by her locker. She switched out her books and binders and waved at the friends that she passed. She was stopped every few pushes for a quick conversation, but she shushed them off. She didn't want to be late for her science class. She was more excited than usual that day. The new topic made her interested, though it reminded her of late night adventures and lack of sleep.

"Ama, have you heard about what we're doing today?" Nerida questioned as she bumped Amatheia's hip.

"Yeah! I know how interested you've been in humans. Human Biology is, by far, the best match for you," Ama exclaimed.

They swam inside the class right as the bell rang. Lucky to make in just in time, Ama and Nerida hurried to their seats. Their teacher, Mrs. Anatrofi, walked into the room behind them, silencing the class.

"Good morning everyone," she flashed a bright smile to her students, "isn't today gorgeous? I'd say it's an especially beautiful day to start human biology!"

The class groaned. They leave few- including Nerida, Ama, and a couple others- to rejoice with the cheerful woman.

The class continued, the two friends participated and taking notes as much as they could. It'd come to the point where Mrs. Anatrofi decided to stop calling on them. Their questions always explored so much further into the topic, though. They made the lesson intriguing to other students, causing them to pay attention.

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