Chapter 7: A Bracelet And A Love

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Emma held her head as she sat up, a blinding pain erupting through her.
    What did I do last night?
She shrugged and carefully made her way downstairs, "hey dad, hey Jamie."
"Mornin' sis, well, afternoon. It's practically 2pm, what'd you do last night?" Jamie asked.
"I wish I remembered," Emma mumbled to herself, grabbing an apple and taking a bite. She looked around, she felt like something was wrong, like something wasn't where it was supposed to be.
"Whatcha lookin for, darling?" Her dad asked while taking a sip of his coffee.
"I don't know."

Down with Nerida, she was swimming down the stairs to the kitchen with the same burning pain in her head as Emma.
"Morning Mom, dad. Do you guys remember what we did last night? It seems kinda fuzzy." Nerida took out a bag of kale and ate a few bites.
"Yeah, we watched Glee, remember?" Kako responded, getting a worried glance from Iremia.
"Hm, I guess I remember. Did you bring me to my bed, dad?" Nerida asked, getting a nod in response.
Nerida looked down at her tail and saw her scales. In her head, she was confused but didn't ask anything. She felt like she was forgetting something very important, but decided to shake it off.
"I'm going to Ama's, call me if you need me!" Nerida called out as she left with her bag of kale, then hurrying to her best friend's house.

Emma' been walking around the house for a while now, feeling like she had to find something. Finally, she gave up and fell onto her bed, laying her head on her pillow and propping her arms under it.
When she placed her hands under the pillow, she felt something. She sat up and picked up the pillow, seeing a simple bracelet with a sand dollar on it.
She looked at it, confused, and then picked it up. When she picked up the bracelet, she felt tingle run up her spine, as if she's seen this before. Then, she remembered everything. She saw it all flash before her eyes, the beautiful girl, the midnight talks, the date, the tail. Everything.
Emma hopped off her bed and hurriedly pulled on the bracelet.
"Nerida!" Emma called out to herself as she changed into her bathingsuit and grabbed a pair of flip flops.
"Later dad, I'm going to the beach!" She called as she ran out of the house, not waiting for a response.
I need to save her, I can't be alone, not again.
She hopped into her car and drove as fast as she could to the beach, driving 15 miles over the speed limit.
I need her.
She skidded to a stop once she got the the beach parking lot, she ran out of her car and straight out to the old dock.
"Nerida! Nerida, please!" She yelled out into the wind, falling to her knees. She knew that it was worthless, but she had to try.
She sat there for awhile, then finally thinking of something. Emma stood back up and took a couple feet back, them making a running start into the water and jumping in.
She opened her eyes and looked down, expecting to see her tail, but only found legs. She opened her mouth to breath, and she could breath completely fine.
No, without the tail, I won't get there for hours!
She sighed but started swimming as fast as she could, she needed to try and get to Nerida.

Nerida and Ama had been hanging out for a little over two hours when Nerida decided that she should leave. She had a feeling that someone needed her, so she took the long way home.

Emma had to take a break, her legs and arms hurt so much. Sher stared down at her legs and wished so hard for her tail, and then it happened. A large tornado of bubbled whirled around Emma's legs and then revealed her beautiful tail. That gave Emma new strength and she pushed on, then seeing a lit up underwater city, she made it.
"Nerida! I'm coming for you." She stated to herself, hoping to find her soon.

Emma kept swimming until she saw a familiar coral pink house and a purple mermaid just a few houses down, swimming that way.
Emma swam as fast as she could to Nerida and bulldozed her, bringing the both of them to the sea floor.
"Please, please say you remember! Your parents did something to us when we went to that witch yesterday. I don't think they want us together, aren't they-" Emma was cut off from her ramble.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. You must have the wrong girl," Nerida looked at Emma skeptically as they both stood up.
Do I know her?
No, mom and dad would never do something like that.
"No, you have to listen to me, Nair. They made us forget, you need to remember."
"Then how do you remember?" Nerida backed up a few feet from Emma.
"This," Emma held up her wrist, showing the bracelet, "you made me this. I think the witch didn't really want us to forget. She wanted me to remember, we're soulmates, you said so yourself! It was something to do with scales and whatever."
Nerida was confused, but most of all scared.
They wouldn't do that! And my soulmate can't be a girl.
Maybe that's a sign saying that they would make you forget, if it were a girl.
"Maybe.. Maybe this will make you remember," Emma took Nerida's hands in hers while leaning in. Nerida had been kissed a lot, but they were always just quick pecks to see if they were soulmates, no one took this long.
Emma connected her lips to Nerida's, kissing her softly. Emma felt the butterflies erupt in her stomach and fire explode through her body, just like the first time. Except for the bones breaking and rearranging forcefully part.
Nerida felt a blush flow through her body once their lips connected. She wanted to pull away but her body pulled her closer to Emma, until Nerida finally started thinking again and pushed Emma away.
    "Do... you remember?" Emma looked so hopefully at Nerida.
    Emma hopeful look made Nerida wish that she remembered her, "I'm sorry, I don't."
    Emma felt her heart actually break, the look on her face showed it. Nerida left Emma alone as she hurried to her house and inside.

    "Hey honey, how was your hangout with Ama? How's she doing, by the way?" Iremia asked as she plated dinner.
    "What? Oh, it was great! I had fun, and Ama is doing great. She made it onto the cheerleading squad!"
    "No way! That's so great for her, I'm so proud. Well, on another topic, dinner is ready!" Iremia called out louder at the end so that Kako would hear as they sat at the table.
    Kako swam in and hurried to the table for their favorite dinner, walrus steak. They all immediately started digging in, "you always know how to impress me dear!"
    "I try my best, Kako, darling," Iremia responded as she chuckled and kept eating.
    "Get a room, you two!" Nerida laughed as both her parents chuckled along.
    After a few moments of silence, Nerida decided to break it, "you know, this weird thing happened to me on my way home."
    They both gave looks saying to continue on.
    "Well, this girl ran into me saying about how I needed to remember and then she kissed me! It was so weird, but her tail was really pretty. I don't know why she'd go off kissing other people if she's already found her soulmate!"
    Kako and Iremia exchanged looks, and that's all that was said for the rest of dinner.

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