He Finds Out You Self Harm.

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You scrolled through your twitter feed, reading hurtful tweet after hurtful tweet.
- @michaelsminebitch: You're a slut @(Y/T/N) Michael deserves so much better.
- @Princessclifford:@(Y/T/N) Go kill yourself you fat slag.

You started to cry as you read them, you never let the hate comments get to you, but today they really did, worse than ever!
You dropped your phone to the floor, heading towards yours and Michael's shared bathroom, you took a blade out of Michael's razor, cleaning it under the running hot tap.
You pressed it to your soft skin of your thigh, and pierced it, a bead of blood appearing almost immediately, you cut again and again, until you were left with 9 vicious cuts on your left thigh.
You dropped the blade braking into heart wrenching sobs.
"Hey gorgeous" Michael said opening the front door.
"N-Now coming" you stutter, trying to steady your voice.
Michael could obviously tell something was wrong as he pushed open the door.
As soon and he saw you he fell to his knees on the bathroom floor, pulling you into a warm embrace and sobbing.
"My beautiful baby girl" he cried.

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