-Chapter 2-

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*Above^^^ what the cabin kinda looks like! Enjoy!*


In the morning, I got up, showered and got dressed while waiting for my truck to arrive. After it did, and Ray swore to me I didn't owe him anything because he had owed me a favor.

Taking my trip to town with Zuzu around my neck, I don't like leaving him alone for long periods of time, I head to town by following yesterday's route.

My first stop was breakfast. I just went through a drive through and got a coffee and a steak and egg biscuit. My second stop was for my registration and tags, as well as my license, which didn't take as long as I thought it would.

After I got that straightened out, I stopped at Lowes to get some garden supplies. Soil, mulch, bird seed, seedling plants, flower pots, water trays, and an assortment of colorful flowers. Pansies, marigolds, irises, morning glory's, ferns, an aloe plant, a wandering Jew, a hibiscus and two, peach colored tea rose bushes.

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a nature mage. My magic is more in tune with nature and plant life, as well as wildlife, which is why I never felt at home in New York. Most witches prefer natural ingredients when they use spells, especially nature mages, and witches like me rather be in well...nature, instead of the concrete jungle. That's probably why Aunt Serena left the cabin to me...because she knew that too.

Anyway, after I loaded all of that into the bed of my truck, with the help of some very willing teenage boys, I made my last stop to the grocery store.

It's bigger than I expected it to be, which is a good thing. I load up on all the necessities, getting all the non refrigerated or frozen items first. Pasta, rice, veggies, canned goods, bananas, oranges, apples, etc. Coffee and sugar, definitely. Cereal, gotta have my Fruit Loops, pop tarts, chips and cookies... what, I like my snack foods. I stock up on spices and herbs, canned drinks and tea bags, and a little bit of candy to refill my stash.

I quickly go through the frozen foods section, grabbing a few pizzas, a lasagna, corn dogs and French fries...what? I'm outta food, don't judge. Before I go to the Dairy and Deli, I pick up three different containers of ice cream. Chocolate, Oreo, and Reese's, a girls real best friends.

After getting milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, hamburger, pork-chop, steak, turkey, and shrimp from the cold foods, and picking up a rotisserie chicken for lunch, I quickly check out and manage to pack all the groceries into the small cab of my truck. As I'm backing out, Zuzu stirs around my neck, and I gently boop his nose. Doing so, I suddenly remember something I had originally forgot to do. Pick up Zuzu's food.

Recalling a pet store I passed on the way here, I turn back and head to it. He doesn't need to eat quite as often as most pets, but his diet is specifically mice, frozen mice...so I need to restock them pronto.

After parking in front of the store, I head inside and look around. I have a few minutes before I need to leave, so I can take a good look at this place...besides, I like to look at the animals they have here, even if I'm not getting another companion.

Going through the aisles, an item on the top shelf catches my eye. A large rock hiding place that will be perfect for Zuzu. The one he has is going to be too small once he reaches full size, and this one has foliage attached so he can hide on top too.

Reaching up on my tip-toes, I stretch my arm as far as it will go, but my fingertips can't even touch it. I mutter curses under my breath, me and my height! I hate being vertically challenged! I can't use magic either, rule 29: Never cast a spell in public.

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