-Chapter 19-

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This isn't what I wanted...

The members of the pack swarm around me in the pack house, some of them asking questions I don't answer, all of them arguing over what exactly how to rescue Butch without sacrificing me...strategies flying left and right as they yell and fight with each other viciously. All of them blaming themselves for Butch being captured...for being caught off guard and left with nothing to bargain with.

Especially Butch's parents, Amelia silently sitting by herself as her mate Dylan barks orders and plans for attack. My own parents are hovering around me too, temporarily leaving to check on my siblings.

All of these people are blaming themselves for this...when the harsh reality is that the fault rests squarely on my shoulders. I'm the one Drayid wants, I'm the reason Butch was taken in the first place....in the driveway of my own house, me sleeping soundly only feet away when he was taken.

He's gone because I let my guard down...it's no ones fault but mine...but they won't listen.

I have to fix this, with every passing moment I can feel my mate writhe in agony...and his link with me getting weaker as he does...his mind in turmoil as Drayid uses a spell to make him see an illusion of me being tortured. I look down to see Zuzu curled up in my lap, looking up at me expectantly, and I narrow my eyes as I make my decision.

This is my pack, my mate, and my brother...it's time I take charge and settle this myself. I'll give Drayid my magic alright...but he's not going to like how I give it to him. But first- I need to get out of here without being noticed, which is not any easy feat considering I'm surrounded by protective werewolves. But I have a spell for that.

Letting Zuzu curl around my neck, I begin to whisper chant a spell I used to use to sneak in and out of school.

"Visididen, Visididen, Visididen." I murmur quietly, my voice unheard in the chaos around me as I focus on turning my body perfectly transparent to everyone around me, as well as completely suppressing my scent.

Standing up, I make my way to front door without being noticed, exiting into the cool night air silently as I make my way to my house. The second I walk through my front door I drop the spell, and begin grabbing things to prepare for my confrontation. I have to move quickly though, the pack if not my parents will discover I'm gone soon...and if they catch me here I'll have to resort to drastic measures to get away.

"Zuzu, go fetch me my arsenal please." I whisper, and he slithers down to the basement to fetch my stash of defense potions I created in case of an attack. Everything from explosive ones to sleep inducing smokes, even a few blinding ones.

As he does that I grab one of my empty messenger bags with an expansion and weight charm on it and begin filling it with supplies. A flashlight, a lighter, the potions in plastic containers that Zuzu brings me, my strongest warding charm to keep the dark energy away, and the tomb Auntie wrote the answers in.

Finishing that, I exchange my slippers for my pair of black riot combat boots, pulling the laces tight as I tie them over my fitted jeans. I then tie up my wild hair, pulling it into a taunt French braid to the base of my skull and putting the rest in a tight bun. I also grab my silver coated hunting knife in its sheath and strap it to my belt, and as I'm leaving the room, I notice Butch's leather jacket sitting on the back of my desk chair, and I pick it up to inhale his scent deeply before pulling it on over my two shirts, it's a bit too big...the sleeves a bit long, but I don't care. I zip it up halfway and help Zuzu curl inside before I zip it the rest of the way up.

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