Chpt. 5: When You Wear Something Of His:

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As you laid in Slender's comfy bed (Clothes on, of course! I'm not that nasty :3) pin his mansion filled with Creepypastas you've grown to like, you eyed the closet door that was slightly ajar. Easing out of the king-sized bed, careful not to wake Slender up, you opened the closet and was overwhelmed by the array of black suits and ties. You were astonished by the amount of outfits and a (Your Favorite Color) suit with a matching tie was secretly stashed in the corner of the closet.

You instantly snatched it and slipped the sleek tie over your head and you shrugged the jacket on, that loosely fell off of your shoulders. Rushing to the bathroom that connected the room, you eyed yourself seductively as you twirled around, bumping into a wide awake & shirtless Slenderman in the process.

"You look stunning in that top, (y/n). You can keep it if you wish," Slender whispered, making your cheeks burn in embarrassment. He turned your back to his bare and muscular chest (To all you Slender fangirls, you're welcome! :).) and wrapped his arms around your waist, melting you in a warm bliss.

-Jeff the Killer:

As you and a sleeping Jeff cuddled on your living room sofa while your parent went grocery shopping, watching (Your Favorite Movie), you caught the faint smell of fresh blood that stained Jeff's hoodie. You shuddered at the A/C's freezing temperature and since you were too damn lazy to grab a blanket upstairs, you carefully slipped off Jeff's hoodie and shrugged it on.

To your surprise, the white blood-stained hoodie was a perfect fit, making you feel subtle yet sexy. As you sat up, admiring the piece of clothing, you turned your head, causing you to come face-to-face with a shirtless Jeff. Your eyes trailed to Jeff's bare chest, and you couldn't help blushing -- and slightly drooling (I know, sexy riite?? ;D) -- at his muscularity, counting the amount of "packs" in your mind.

'2, 4, 6, pack' you thought to yourself looking down but stopped at Jeff's pelvis. You lightly shook your head and looked at a now smirking Jeff.

"Like what you see, (y/n)?" he asked, smirking at you.

"I got cold." you mumbled, looking away in embarrassment.

"Aaw, don't worry, babe. I was just douching. Keep the hoodie, by the way, you look as beautiful as me!" Jeff boasted, making you smack him in playful annoyance. You both laughed, but your laughters were soon muffled as you both began making out!

-Eyeless Jack:

You and EJ, sat together in his room in a mansion filled with creepypastas. You both laid on his bed, him snoring and you fully awake. You got bored and looked at a peaceful Eyeless Jack, who's mask is slightly covering his eyes but revealing a pair of vibrant red lips and sharply razor-like teeth. Slipping off the cold mask, you equipped it, instantly creating your vision to be pitch black.

'How the hell does EJ see through this damn thing?!' you thought to yourself, standing up. You felt your way through the nick-nacks that surrounded the room, robotically walking through the dark oblivion. As you felt random things, your finger accidentally scraped against a cold metal material, causing you to yelp in pain. (Lol to myself. XD)

"Ow! Damn it!" you loudly cursed to yourself. You heard a muffled cough and snatched the heavy mask off of you, relieving your vision and a now awaken and confused EJ. You opened your mouth but Eyeless Jack raised his hand in defeat.

"Dont worry, (y/n). You look gorgeous with it on, but you can't keep it on." you got a good look of EJ's face, his empty eye sockets, before he replaced his mask back on.

"Wanna go for a walk in the park?" EJ offered as you nodded eagerly, retrieving your shoes and cellphone.

-Laughing Jack:

Laughing Jack left you in his room, journeying to the nearby grocery store to retrieve a deluxe of candy and sweets.

You sat in his room, boredom overtaking you. After countless minutes, you played Bejeweled on your iPhone (No iPhone? Android? Tablet?! Oh, whatever! You get the drift. :/) but you dropped your phone.

You felt around the floor, too lazy to get on your hands and knees, and you felt not your iPhone but a small shoebox. You opened the lid to see a pair of colorful clown shoes (It may seem a little odd, but it's Laughing Jack we're talking about!). You slipped off your sneakers and slipped on the humongous clown shoes.

Walking around in complete and utter foolishness, you came to a halt when you heard someone clearing their throat. You turned around to see Laughing Jack, standing near the door hinge and holding dozens of grocery bags filled with a shitload of candy.

"It's fine, (y/n). Keep 'em, if you want." LJ said, giggling as he torn open a bag of Dum Dums. You blushed and nonchalantly reached for the bag of (Your Favorite Candy).

- BEN Drowned:

You sat at your desktop, surfing the internet on your laptop as BEN slept on your bed. You sheepishly watched his chest lift up and down. Walking to the sleeping elf male, you slipped off the green hat and worn it as you continued on the web. Without noticing, you heard BEN's yawn, sending you in a state of guilt.

"(Y/N), have you seen my-" BEN began, but stopped as you looked at the ground, blushing madly.

"I-I wanted t-to w-wear it, B-BEN." you stuttered and mumbled. BEN chuckled and gave you a sly smile.

"You look sexy with it on, (y/n)." he said, now nose-to-nose with you. BEN tilted your head and you both commenced to kissing.


Sorry for the lateness! D: I hope you've enjoyed nonetheless! Msg me if you want any added Creepypastas! Also, read my "Goddess" story as well, you'll enjoy it I promise you! See ya!

The One & Only Archer OC,

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