Chpt. 31: When You Both Go To A Miley Cyrus Concert

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A/N: I really apologize for not updating 😅 Here ya go!


"(Y/N), why are we going to a concert?" Slender asked for the 100th time. You sighed as you fidgetted with your (Fave Color) boots on.

"Because (Girl BFF's Name) is going, and I really wanna go!" you replied.

"Fine," he sighed in defeat, starting the engine and pulling off.

After a 30-minute drive, you both pulled up to the stadium. What shocked you was the enormous amount of police officers swarming around the parking lot, one approaching you.

"Sorry, you two. Mrs. Cyrus isn't performing anywhere today!" he stated.

"What? Why?!" you whined.

"She's been arrested for DUI and twerking on an elderly woman," as he explained this, a pink tint crept on his face and he quickly continued his mission on escorting other people out.

-Jeff the Killer:

"(Y/N), I don't wanna go see a fucking ugly ass bitch singing a dumb ass song!" Jeff exclaimed as you dragged his wrist through the crowd of Miley fans giving him dirty looks for his rude outburst.

"Jeff, shut up. C'mon, we're gonna miss the opening act!" you beamed as you took your place in the crowded audience.

Sure enough, Miley came out wearing a slutty outfit and began singing "We Can't Stop". In the middle of the lyrics, something randomly crashed on Miley's head, knocking her unconsious.

The music came to a stop and the crowd fell silent. The only thing being heard was Jeff's abrupt cackling.

-Eyeless Jack:

You and EJ stood in the front of the stage, staring blankly at Miley, who's swinging on a metal wrecking ball and singing "Wrecking Ball".

"Dear lord," you said in horror.

As soon as Miley sung "I came in like a wrecking ball!", she slipped off of the metal ball, face-planting on the cold surface.

-Laughing Jack:

Your bare legs involuntarily shook in the cold atmosphere as you gazed upon Miley Cyrus' inappropriate performance of "Adore U". LJ stood by your side and shook his head in disgust.

"Why are we even here?" he asked in annoyance. You tried to speak but the weather caused your lips to crack uncomfortably.

Suddenly, the music came to a screeching pause and a montage of police officers appeared on the stage.

"There she is! Grab her!" one yelled as they all rushed to Miley, who stood there deer-in-lights until she came to her senses and turned tail.

-BEN Drowned:

BEN screamed in your ears, jumping up and down like a freak, and applauding with hundreds of Miley Cyrus fans. You blotted your ears with your hands, trying to silence the monstrous sound.

Miley then tried something that she knows' she can't ever accomplish; a high-noted rift. In the midst of it, her voice cracked and the stereos retched a screeching sound that caused the stadium to erupt into a low and loud "POW!". All of the lights and electricity powered off and and everyone was left in darkness.


I hope you've enjoyed this CBFS chapter && I apologize for not updating in a while. 😞


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