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To be honest it's really frustrating when I'm always consumed with so much thought and questioning of relationships.

For example I put too much thought into what people mean, causing me to only have that thought or comment running through my head.

Like when I think about the things Demetri does for me I feel like he wants to take it to the next level but the thing is I don't know if I'm ready for it yet.

After what he did to me, he caused me to have this internal pain of never getting to experience love or having a close passionate relationship, he caused for my heart to not only be locked up but I can't find the key to it.

The truth of the matter is that my heart is solid stone after the actions of Chris, and I don't know if I could ever move on from the actions that he took to turn me into this work oriented that I am today.

No time for fun, friendships, or even flings. Im trapped under a spell that can only be broken by the one.

And so far I have yet to meet him.



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