[20] Diner Discord (Alex's POV)

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"You did what?" I asked.

Jade and I sat together in the furthermost booth within our local diner. Upon receiving a call from me, we had agreed to meet and "discuss matters" as I vaguely worded it. The decor and overall atmosphere of the restaurant was nice, with a 1950's vintage feel. Our booth seats were red, black and white pleather, and the place itself was decorated with posters and advertisements from its' theme's time period.

Elvis stared back at us on one wall, and posters for oil were hanging on another. The harsh, artificial lighting from a lamp suspended above our table was blinding our tired eyes. No customers were there at that time, even though it was a diner open 24/7. Maybe the fact that we had rushed in there at 12:07am explained the lack of other people.

I stared back at Jade, with crossed arms and a self-proclaimed bad attitude.

"Do you have a problem with my decision?"

Even in my body, her eyes held that same stare. The one that could make you say anything just from a couple glances. Her personality showed through my own exterior that she was residing in, and if that didn't terrify me, then I couldn't quite place what did.

She didn't even need to have her unique brown and green eyes that I associated so much with her to intimidate me in that moment; all it took was knowing it was her. She was a force to be reckoned with.

"Well sorry for having my own opinion but I just think that telling Christopher our situation was reckless. Number one, you didn't consult with me! It's my secret too you know. Number two, you know that I have a problem with him. I can't stand the guy! What kind of help are you expecting?"

I wasn't imagining it; she almost looked hurt. Jade swallowed and blinked back what I could have sworn were tears.

"Did you ever consider it from my point of view? It's excruciatingly hard to have to keep this all to myself. Sure I have you to share it with, but you're in the same predicament. I've known Christopher since kindergarten. Obviously we're not as close as you and I are but I know I can trust him."

I flashed her a dubious look, which she returned with a glare.

"What do you have against him? What did he ever do to you? If you could stop being so judgmental for one second, you'd find he's a perfectly nice friend!"

Jade shouted that last part. Every muscle in her face indicated that she had had enough by then, but I wasn't finished. In retrospect, I probably should have been.

"You call that asshole a friend? I'm sorry but friends don't act like that. A good friend wouldn't have to constantly prove how much better he is than you. He wouldn't even feel that way!"

Her glare had the words "watch it" written all over.

"He's never like that to me! The only time I've heard of him supposedly behaving that way is around you. Maybe that says something. Maybe it's just you."

Complete and utter silence proceeded this comment. In the distance, behind the counter, I heard the light mumbles of employees. I couldn't help but wonder if they were talking about us. With such a late shift and slow business, it would not have surprised me.

But I was shocked to say the least. Jade and I had partaken in a good amount of fights and quarrels over the years, but this seemed to be the biggest- by far. Her advice to others had always been "When in a fight, it's simple to get caught up in the moment. But always make sure you watch your words. Never say something you'll regret."

How hypocritical of her to say that in this moment.

She scowled and rolled her eyes, shifting her gaze away from me in the process. Our server came with our food- a burger for me and fish and chips for her. I mentally questioned why a supposedly "All-American diner" was serving a British dish like that latter one, but there were more important matters at hand.

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