Chapter 5~wow I'm good at basketball

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Chapter five-

Hey BEAUtiful people hope you enjoy goiz xox


Luke walks through our kitchen door with a smile planted on his face. "Good on ya mate" I say, knowing exactly what he was smiling about. "for what?" Luke says. "asking her out dumbfuck." I say sarcastically. "what about you and Zara ?" he changes the subject. I sigh in disappointment of myself. "I chickened out." I mumble. "what?" Luke asked. "I didn't ask her out." I shout, maybe a bit too loudly because now Jai has just walked in and listening intently to our convosation. "why? You really like her? Aw is my big brother too scared to get rejected?" jai jai jai. Trust him to make me wanna punch him in the face. "shut up jai. Your the gay one here with no crush or girlfriend!" I let my bad temper out on him and I instantly feel like a complete dick. He blushes bright red. "jai I'm sorry, that was rude I'm sorry" I apologize just as he gets up and walks away. "Good one dick, you know he's still getting over his last girlfriend." now Luke's pissed off at me too. I feel so bad for bringing his ex up into the conversation, it wasn't his fault she tried to kiss me? She was a fat lying bitch anyway and didn't deserve Jai. "we are going to Zaras house right now and you are going to man up and ask her out!" Luke takes over and pushes me out the door. "she lives on K road." I pull out my iPhone and search it up in google maps. It was 25 minutes away walking. "let's drive" I suggest. I hop into the drivers seat and we drive all the way to her house. "they will be asleep." I try to get Luke to come back and I can do it another day. "no come on I can see a light!" Luke drags me around the back of the house and picks up a couple of rocks. " no. This is stupid let's just go home!" my pleading isn't making him turn around. Instead he throws one of the rocks and it hits just below the window. "You idiot" I mumble and pick up a rock. Out of all the embarrassing things that I've done, this is the worst. Zara comes out onto the balcony as one of Lukes rocks goes flying past her ear and hits the window. "um... You no the doors there for a reason?" she said. "told you asshole!" I whispered hiding my embarrassment. "I'll let you in" Zara said. Luke and I walked to the front and Zara unlocked the door. "what brings you here?" she asked in an adorable tired like voice. Luke pushed me inside and she led us up some stairs. We passed a living room with two people sitting there. "who's this?" the older women asked curiously. I smiled sweetly at her but Zara completely ignored them and walked on. As I left the room I heard the man sigh. Zara led us through a blue door and shut it behind me. I have no idea where Luke went. "so areyou going to tell me why your here?" Zara asked. I sat down on her bed and looked around. Her room was quite big, it had a flat screen tv in the corner, a laptop sitting on her desk and a double bed. Nice colours. "yes, I didn't get to ask you something when you left skips house." I begin awkwardly as she sat next to me on her bed. "but can I ask you something different first?" I ask. "sure" she smiles. That smile. It's perfect. "why did you ignore... Your guardians?" why do I ask such personal questions? she sighed and moved closer to me. "Beau. I trust you, I really do, do you want me to tell you everything?" I nod and she continues. "my parents died in New Zealand three years ago. After they died I went to live with my sister, but she wasn't allowed to be a legal guardian so I've been saving up the money to come to Australia and live with my mums bestfriend who is downstairs and she hates me and wants to send me to an orphanage." I listen in shock as I realize how much she sacrificed to move here. She has no family here, no support, nothing. I pull her into a tight hug and she cries on my shoulder for a long time. She cried until there were no tears left. I held her tight. That's the only thing I can do now. What else can I do? "Zara. You are perfect. And I will always be here for you. not just me but all the boys. Will you be my girlfriend?" Zara stops crying for a little bit and answers me "yes. But will you stay with me tonight?" she asked "of course" I whisper, still holding her as she slowly drifts to sleep in my arms. I text Luke saying that he has to walk home and I put her into her bed and lay down next to her. I lightly kiss her forehead and fall asleep to the rhythm of her heart beating.

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