Chapter four-

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- if a certain somebody is reading this then I hope she knows she's gayyy

this is bad sorry </3

Here ya go

Chapter 4-


safely into the cafe, we all sat down with a sigh. "well that was interesting" Zara declared after a peaceful silence. "everybody staring? More like annoying" bonnie replied. "would you like to order now?" a chinese lady asked. After everybody ordered and was sitting down with our drinks and food, we all started to relax and forget about all of that. After about 2 hours of talking and laughing we decided to all head back to Skips place. We got up and walked down the road to the bus stop. Beau checked the schedule and confirmed that the next train closest to his house was about 15 minutes away. " what are we gonna do when we get there?" James asked. He gets bored easily. "PARTAY WOOP WOOP" bonnie and Zara screamed, high fiving and doing some weird shake thing. Girls, I thought as I rolled my eyes. "saw that!" bonnie appeared at my side and gave me a hip-and-shoulder. I smiled and lightly bumped her back which somehow started into thumb wars. "1,2,3,4 I declare a thumb war!" we screamed at each other trying to put each other off. I trapped her thumb under mine and counted down. "5,4,3,2-" in a flash she poked me in the ribs, causing me to let go and she slid away. I chased after her, laughing like a crazy donkey, getting some weird looks on the old couple sitting in the booth. I think I saw them turn off their hearing aids... "I'm going to get you back! I was going to win you cheater!" I laughed as she once again slipped away from my grip. James had Skip in a head lock, Beau was also chasing Zara around too. After looking away for 5 seconds I felt myself being dragged to the grass and pushed over by Jai. "DOG PILE" he screamed as everybody jumped on me . First James, then Jai, Then Beau, then Skip, then Bonnie then Zara. Finally the bus came and everybody dived onto the bus for a good seat. Sadly, being on the bottom of the pile I was on last. I searched for a good seat but there were none left so I sat on Beaus lap.


After an uncomfortable bus ride we get off at the last stop and walk the last 5 minutes to Skips house. My legs were numb because Luke has a fat ass.

Finally we arrive at skips house and we burst through the door and plop onto the couch. "now what?" Jai asked and we all shrug our shoulders, unsure of what to do next. "let's play UNO!" Zara suggested. Skip got the cards out and passed the cards to everybody. after ten rounds, everybody winning 1 round except for me and Luke who won 3 and Zara won none, we decided to play something different. the whole time I couldn't help but stare at Zaras face. I think she noticed because she occasionally looked over and smiled. I smiled awkwardly and looked away but always seem to glance over every so often. After Skip went off to get some weird game and I couldn't stop myself and went and sat down next to her. "hey" I smiled. "hey " she smiled warmly back. I looked over and saw Jai talking to James and Luke talking to Bonnie. I turn my attention back to Zara. "so have you seen our videos before?" I ask. "um I've seen a couple everybody in New Zealand loves you guys." she replied. "yer I'm really excited to go there soon maybe you should come too." I say awkwardly. shit why did I just say that? I'm such a dick. "Beau, listen that sounds amazing and even though I don't know you well I feel like I can trust you... But I don't know if I can, New Zealand has to many memories for me. I'm only here because my parents died..." I see tears welling up in her eyes and reach Over and pull her into a tight hug. we sit there for a while. Not sure how long. "Zara I know I've only known you for 2 days or something but I just thought you should know that I think you are actually a beautiful person and perfect in every single way." I murmer softly into her ear. Right then I realize that the room is empty and everybody is in the kitchen watching us. "Beau you are such a kind person and you are so amazing and nice and everything a girl could ask for" Zara replied. I stare into her beautiful eyes and lean in"Yo nigga" Luke sits in the middle of us, blocking us off.I glare at him and punch him in the balls. He punches me back harder. I get up and walk onto the kitchen whenever everybody is holding in giggles. "what?" I ask, a little angry and embarrassed they were watching us. "nothing" they all turn back and do whatever they were doing.


We all stayed a little later because Skips parents were out at a hotel. We chose to watch in time, with Justin timberlake and we all gathered for our second movie night minus James who left to hang with his mum. I put my head on Lukes shoulder, I could see Zara and beau on the opposite side of us. The movie starts but I'm not watching. All I can do is feel his presence, see him, feel him. "Luke?" I whisper careful not to disturbe skip who has fallen asleep on Jais shoulder. "yes?" "nothing" I say awkwardly. Luke sighs, something in it, some emotion I can't put a name to disappointment ? Why? I'm too tired to think. After the movie finishes, I'm almost too tired to even keep my eyes open, I considered just sleeping there the night but then I remembered my Aunty was coming tonight at 10:15. I check the time "shit! It's 11:00 I'm supposed to be home!" I tell everyone. "I'll walk you home if you want?" Luke said. "ok" I smiled, secretly glad as I probally couldn't find my way home in the day even though it's probally 5 minutes away. "let's go" he replied happily. we got out of the house and walked in what I think is the general direction of home. "so where do you live?" he asked curiously. "honeysuckle lane" I replied. "um... That's in the other direction." he laughed. "shit" I mumble. We turn around and this time he leads "I'm just really tired" I try to defend myself. "whatever floats your boat hun" he laughs again. I blush at his reference, glad of the darkness surrounding the alley ways. we walk in a comfortable silence . It felt a really long time but we finally reached my driveway. We started to climb up my incredibly steep driveway. We finally reached the top and I turned around and saw that Luke was still struggling up the driveway. "that shits like a mountain!" he complained. "I walk up this everyday!" I laugh at his reaction and walk up the steps. I turn the door knob and walk in. "wait!" he called before I shut the door. "yes?" I reply, opening the door wider so I can see his face. "er... I just want you to know that I hasn't known you for long but I feel like it has been my whole life." he shuffles his feet awkwardly. I sigh, having no idea what point he is trying to make. He's looking at me expectantly, why is he looking at me like that? "sorry?" I ask awkwardly. Luke blushes with embarrassment and repeats himself. "do you want to go on a date with me?" Omigod. Luke Brooks asked me on a date LUKE BROOKS. I'm frozen on the spot. What do I say? "yes" I push out, coming across as barely a whisper. "Great! Um I'll call you?" Luke says, all his confidence returning. "ok" I smile as he walks down my driveway. Before shut the door behind me I look around to see Luke gone. I sigh in disappointment and close the door completely. "mum I'm home!" I scream happily. I find my whole family in the living room watching Just Go With It. I give them all a kiss on the head and sit down in the middle and watch half way through. All my insides were tingling like crazy? When will he call? Will he call? Should I tell my family that a youtube sensation just asked me on a date? Nah. Not yet anyway.


Sorry it took so long and this is bad promise the next couple I will try to make better xox

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