1~Hiding and Losing

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I had to kill them they are threatening my family. I'm coming for you Potters.
Stealing my son and heir.
Arriving at Godrics Hollow I readied my magic to kill.
Pointing my wand at James Potter I hissed out, "Adva Kadabra" a green light emitted from my wand tip colliding with his chest making him fall to the ground never to move again.
Looking to Lily Potter, I saw my son in her arm.
"No please don't hurt Harry. Don't hurt my son."
Her son!? That is my son Kovu Slytherin! Casting the killing curse once more Lily fell to the floor. Picking up my crying son he immeaditly stopped and smiled with a happy gleam in his eyes as he watched the Potters die.
Suddenly I dropped to my knees feeling the life sucked out of me. The last thing I saw was Kovu crying trying to escape Dumbleass's arms to get to me.
Tom had a child in his arms. I could not let him kill an innocent baby. Harry Potter that's his name. He would not kill Harry Potter. Picking up the child I cast the AK curse. When I did young Harry was trying to get to him. The happiness in his AK green eyes disappeared as Voldemort erupted into dust and flew out the window. The once happy filled eyes were now anger and hate filled.

Harry Potter✓A Serpent Named Voldemort Book 1*Triad*Where stories live. Discover now