9~Explaining or Just More Questions and Schedules *EDITED*

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Something about the Scare twins was different this year. But I couldn't place it. Maybe it had to do with Kovu being The Dark Lords son? Or Death's son? But whatever it was I felt like I needed to protect them.
This...this was unnatural. I was supposed to be the cold hearted Slytherin professor everyone is afraid of.
Not some soft hearted Hufflepuff professor with ew feelings.
I was up an hour before everyone else wanting to know more about Kovu. And why his snake attacked us.
I cast the Tempus charm to get the time and began to freak when I saw that it was 7:30. Almost breakfast. Shit.
I rushed to get dressed and wake up Thanos. Pouring water on him, screaming in his ear. Man he's a heavy sleeper.
Then I remembered how he looked at Kovu and smirked.
"Thanos is that Kovu? Sleeping with his snake?"I whispered in his ear
His eyes jerked open and he sat up straight.
I fell over with laughter but stopped when I realized I would want to see the same thing.
"We're going to be late to Kovu explaining what happened last night."
"Oh... Well at least there's Kovu. I guess."
Man I really upset him. What kind of brother am I?
"Come on get dressed."I said throwing clothes at him
He got dressed just as fast as I did... If not faster. And we went to the common room. To see Kovu with his snake who hissed at us the moment he saw us.
Obviously telling Kovu we were there because he turned around and sent a slight glare our way. It was creepy as fuck.
"So now that the twins are here I'll start to explain what happened last night. So you all know my last name is Slytherin."everyone nodded
"And obviously wondering why my snake is named Voldemort."
And again everyone nodded
"Well I wanted something that inspired fear sense I lived with abusive muggles."
And at that we rushed over to him to examine if he was okay. But stopped when his eyes turned red.
"Scares what are doing?"he asked in a hell freezing voice
"Um, making sure you are okay"Thanos said
"Well I'm fine. So stop."
We backed off immeaditly. Something about his voice made me and obviously Thanos want to do exactly what he said when he said it.
"So off to breakfast then?"I asked to break the uncomfortable silence. Everyone nodded muttering to themselves and their friends about not getting any answers just a hell of a lot more questions they before left to go to breakfast.
Thanks and I were the last Slytherins to enter the Great Hall.
As we entered the Great Hall and sat down the Schedules appeared in front of us.
AN~the schedule is who the Slytherins have their classes with
Potions Gyrffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff-9:15
Transfiguration Gyrffindor, Ravenclaw-10:30
Deadly Magical Creatures Hufflepuff- 12:00
Flying Gyrffindor-2:30
Defense Against the Dark Arts(DADA) Gyrffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff-4:00
Commons/Library- till dinner
Commons- till Astronomy
Astronomy Ravenclaw-11:00

Harry Potter✓A Serpent Named Voldemort Book 1*Triad*Where stories live. Discover now