Even after Hope finishes her breakfast, Mrs Yellow Rose, who I still don't know the name of, still hasn't come downstairs. So I walk quietly up the stairs, trying very hard not to trip over as I have many times before. After walking through the narrow hallway, walls lined with sketches and dried out flowers, I gently knock on the door, "hey, you in there?" When there is no answer, I swing open the door to see her sitting by my window, the breeze ruffling her long, messy hair. "Hey, how did you sleep?" I ask and she gazes over at me, "Fine, thanks to you, it's been a while since I've had a sleep as long as that." She replies softly, and after a moment I ask her something I really should have asked before, "what can I call you?" I say, looking intently at her
"My name is Roselyn, but you can call me Rose."
"How fitting." I chuckle, "and my name is Arise, please tell me a little about yourself, of you do not mind."