The Flowers

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Wukong decides to go to the marketplace of Ionia to buy Ahri some pretty flowers. He pushes himself through the crowds of people, the Ionia marketplace is always busy in the morning. It's even busier on Valentine's Day. Wukong spots a stall selling flowers of all kinds, it is run by an old woman. As Wukong moves closer to the stall he notices a man with a large ponytail and a light blue scarf; Yasuo. Yasuo was once an exile, trying to find the truth. A man who was full of vengeance, he wanted to avenge his brother and his honour. However, one day that all changed. He met Yi and Wukong. It's a long story... But Yi as able to calm Yasuo, show him that he shouldn't waste his life running after a killer. Wukong was scared once he met Yasuo, he saw a murderer and didn't believe him. Yi wasn't scared. Yi believed him. Since that day, Yi and Yasuo have built a strong friendship. They do enjoy poking fun, calling each other names and showing off their skills to one another. They may seem to be opposites, Yi is a quirky bladesman who wears swordboots and enjoys making puns whilst Yasuo is a serous swordsman. Putting aside their differences, deep down Yi and Yasuo understand one another. They truly have experienced similar hardships but in different ways. How is Yasuo allowed in Ionia now? Well, Yi is not just a regular swordsman, he does attend significant councils in Ionia. He was able to persuade the council to trust Yasuo. At first the council and fellow Ionians were suspicious, they did not trust Yasuo but overtime they slowly trusted him.
"Yasuo?!" Wukong yells from across the path as he tries to get to the stall without being pushed over. Yasuo turns around and his eyes open wide as he sees Wukong, he smiles in a way that looks like he's hiding something.
"H-hey Wukong!" As Wukong makes it across he looks at Yasuo, confused.
"You're looking at flowers to buy?" Wukong questions. Yasuo raises a hand to scratch his neck.
"Yeah you know it's Valentine's Day, right?" Yasuo replies. Wukong's face lights up.
"You have a Valentine? That's great! At least you celebrate it unlike a particular bladesman..." Wukong sighs with disappointment. Yasuo's smile disappears.
"Yi... doesn't celebrate it?"
"How'd you know which bladesman I was referring to? No. He doesn't! He hates this day, he thinks it is 'ridiculous'!" Wukong complains. Sweat begins to drip down Yasuo's forehead.
"So, who's your valentine?" Wukong looks at Yasuo with a grin on his face, curious to know. Yasuo bites his lip, his breath becomes heavy. He knows he's taking a long time to answer. He can't answer it. Not here. Not in front of everyone. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and locks eye contact with Wukong who is staring at him with concern.
"I can't tell you" Yasuo finally says as he breaks the eye contact and focuses on the large tree in the middle of marketplace. It's a large cherry blossom tree, pink blossom petals float down and decorate the path. A small smile tugs at Yasuo's lips, he feels a warmth in his heart and his stress fades away as he focuses on the petals falling. The cherry blossoms remind him of Yi. It was only a short time of drifting off before Wukong begins clicking his fingers together in front of Yasuo's face.
"Yasuo? Hello? Are you alright? And why can't you tell me?" He asks persistently. Yasuo shakes the thought off and puts his focus back on Wukong.
"I- I can tell you but not here" Yasuo finally tells Wukong, he lets out a small breath.
"Just whisper it!" Wukong yells with frustration. Yasuo stares at him with disbelief but gives in, there's no point arguing. He exhales and opens his mouth to whisper but stops. He turns his back to Wukong and looks at the flowers. Wukong frowns.
"Do you know which flowers Yi likes?" Yasuo says softly, the words flow out of his mouth without stutter or embarrassment. Wukong's eyes open wide and his mouth forms into a wide open smile, revealing his teeth. He can't believe it. He always saw Yasuo and Yi making fun of one another but Yasuo... has feelings for him? They do spend a lot of time with each other, they always spar and occasionally go to drink. Yasuo drinks more than Yi. He ends up not even being able to walk without tripping over his own feet. Yi only has a little bit. It then clicks to Wukong; 'Yi is always helping Yasuo!' He thinks. Yi helps him when he is completely drunk, holds him the whole way to his home. Yi cooks for him sometimes and he buys him sake. Yasuo must have completely fallen for him! 'I don't have to find Yi a valentine, he found himself one' Wukong wonders. Why is Yasuo stressed about asking him? Does he think he doesn't deserve Yi?
"Yi does not like lotus blossoms. I'm not sure why but he dislikes them. I do not know which flowers he likes" Wukong says. Yasuo closes his eyes and smiles.
"Thanks Wukong. It's alright, if he doesn't like lotus blossoms then I have something in mind" Yasuo turns his eyes to a bundle of flowers as pink as cherry blossoms. Wukong nods his head and begins to search the flowers. He finds a pretty white bundle of flowers. He looks back at Yasuo and smiles.
"Goodluck. You'll need it" Wukong says as he turns to the old woman to pay for the flowers. Yasuo takes a deep breath.
"Thanks. You too" he pays for the flowers and turns to leave the stall.

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