doggy love pt2

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(The woman's pov)
When i got down stairs i saw cages stacked ontop of eachother and pregnant mothers with no food or water. Each cage had dog poop all over that looked like it had been there sense the dog had arrived. I wanted to cry when i saw this and then the puppy tried to scamper out of my arms and i set it on the ground the puppy scrambled to the back of the room and looked at a tibetan spaniel. I looked the dog and realised that this was the puppies mother. Minutes later the dogs were being checked on put into proper kennels and put into the truck. I grabbed Aphrodite and put them on my lap along with her sister. There brothers and sisters were in critical condition and are being carefully watched by veterinarians. I was in the passenger seat. We had 2 trucks and the total amount of dogs and puppies that were found was 127. Just the thought of what they went through is just terrifying and sad. We got there and started unloading the dogs. Aphrodite sniffed and i folloed her. She walked and walked and walked untill she reached a mommy dog with 3 new born puppies. "GUYS APHRODITE FOUND A MOM GET OVER HERE QUICK!" i say. The mother dog was a brittany. When she got inside we were worried she wasnent gonna make it. Her breathd were slowing down to much she was getting cold. She was checked out by one of our top vets and he looked worried. "All we can do is pray and hope she has a strong soal." He said. I sigh and pick up aphrodite. I go up to a kennel that had aphrodites mom and her siblings inside. I put her in there and she snuggles up to them. He aw at them and unload the rest of the dogs. The intire night was spent giving check ups to the dogs,praying,and getting dogs ready to be adopted that got the all clear. Luckily 3 of aphrodite's siblings got the all clear but sadly,her brother dident make it. Her mother was being cared for and the puppies were being pit in a spare room. The next morning i went up to the desk. "Lila?" I said. She looked up at me some of her orangeish hair falling infront of her face. She pulled the hair back. "Yah?" She said. "I want to adopt aphrodite" i say. She looked suprised and hamded me the forms. An hour or to later aphrodite and her sister were mine. I smile a happy tear falling down my cheak. Aphrodite and collie were carried around for a little bit untill I looked outisde and realised that a line of people were at the door that came from the building to the park 2 places down. Hours and hours of puppies being adopted and owners smileing.
A few days later aphrodite was on the news. "So how much do you love aphrodite after that experience?" Jeff said looking at me. "More than a million universes." I say. Thats dog love.
            Dog love
                    The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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