Aoba's Birthday Treat

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Aoba woke to a cold bed. Koujaku was nowhere in sight. He grumbles a bit as he sits up, looking around the room. Ren is near his feet. Aoba gets up and picks up Ren, starting him up.

"Good morning, Aoba."

"Good morning, Ren. Any idea where Koujaku is?"

"He woke to get you breakfast."

"Breakfast..?" Come to think of it, today was a special day, wasn't it..?

"And happy birthday, Aoba."

"!" That's what it is: my birthday! That must be why he's making me breakfast. Aoba smiles and, putting Ren down, walks towards the kitchen.

Koujaku is cooking something. I smell the delicious food, my mouth watering.

"Morning, Koujaku!"

He turns to look at the bluenette, his bangs slightly messy from his not-yet-fixed bed head. He smiles his signature warm smile at Aoba.

"Good morning, Aoba. Your breakfast is almost ready so relax for a bit."

The younger hugs the older from behind, smiling into his shoulder. 'I appreciate this so much,' he thinks to himself.


"Happy birthday!"

Koujaku made pancakes for them to eat. He digs in. Just the smell made his appetite larger.

"I know it isn't as good as Tae-san's, but I hope you like it."

"This is great!" Aoba is almost shoveling the food down. Koujaku stifles a laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at the older.

"You. You look like a squirrel with your cheeks like that."

Aoba gave him an annoyed look, trying to hide his amusement.


Aoba left for work. The shop was quiet as usual. He sits back in his chair, relaxed.

When his coil went off, he was a little surprised. He checks it.

'A message from Koujaku..?'

Opening it, he read the letter.

'I forgot to give you your birthday present. I'll give it to you tonight. Does that sound alright?'

Aoba smiles and replies with 'Yeah. I'll be expecting it right after dinner.'

Soon, he has his reply. 'Can't wait.'

Now Aoba is left to wonder what it could be.

Aoba's Birthday TreatWhere stories live. Discover now