Not Just a Puzzle

243 19 14

I am puzzling, you say?
Try connecting with me in some way
Instead of moaning about my neurotype,
Respect my thoughts and don't stereotype
I'm more than a puzzle, I have human worth
And I don't need to be wiped off the earth
Yes I don't see why you want me gone
At least I'm alive, at least I'm strong
I'm more than a puzzle, not broken or doomed
And with the right support, I will slowly bloom
So please don't make my brain a battleground
No, we can't find any common ground
Until you honor our voices,
Spread acceptance of our lives
Until you respect our choices
And please let us survive
Our resistance is silent but mighty
Held up by thousands of tiny flames
We're tired of playing along
With your little games
My existence is not a tragedy
My life is not a nightmare
And you better accept us
Cause we're not going anywhere.

I'm not fighting against my own brain
If you listened you would know I'm not in pain
So, Auti$m $peak$, go away
I don't need your rhetoric and cure culture today

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