The Tale Of the Sun and the Moon

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In a time of distant past, before the humans roamed the earth.

Before creatures came to exist, there was only the sun and the moon. 

The sun and moon.

The king and queen.

Rulers of a silent universe.

They were young when they first met, mere children in fact. They had both been born of the death of a star.

Oh how beauty was found in immense sadness. 

These two grew older as time went by, growing further apart in as their personalities collide.

But one fateful day, the moon had had enough. She said a single sentence drawing a line in the dust.

From then on these two were inseparable, one always followed by the other.

Slowly friendship blossomed into love, a tender and youthful love. 

By the time the earth was created, the sun and the moon had loved for years. They had stayed by each other's side for all their life. They were as timeless as a classic love story. 

They were the first love story. 

But with the earth came the humans and the other creatures, those who couldn't survive with them both burning bright. 

So the sun and the moon parted ways for the first time in their lives. 

Oh how the moon and the sun cried, till the universe was filled. 

Filled with sadness.

Filled with tears. 

Filled with pain.

Filled with suffering.

And so the universe claimed that the sun must die for the moon to breath. The universe could not handle both of the grief for too long. 

And so the sun died every night to let the moon breathe. 

But it was not enough. And so the universe promised them at least two days a year. Two days where the two lovers would be reunited. 

Finally the day came.

A day filled with love and longing. 

But also with sadness.

The two lovers embraced, crying out for the pain they felt. But they were happy and sad.

The moon raced to the sun, flinging herself at him as she cried out the tears of loneliness. 

The sun held his arms outstretched as she ran, holding on to his love as he soothed her tears and calmed her fears. 

It was a day of bittersweet memories. 

For the lovers knew they would have to wait for the eternity before they could reunite.

Back on the earth, the human watched with awe as the sun and the moon, finally met. A sense of longing growing deep inside. Something they would never been able to shake. 

It was longing for true love.

A type of love that could make a person be willing to die to let you live. 

A type of love that could make a person wait for eternity just to catch a glimpse of your face. 

A type of love the humans saw the sun and the moon had. 

And they realized that nothing could ever spoil the love the sun and the moon had for one another. 

And so ends the story of how the sun loved the moon. But if you look very closely, you will realize the story is still being written today.

These two lovers still chase the stars and the seas to catch a glimpse of one another, always arriving a bit too late. 

But they also reunite and on those days the world feels just a tad bit more eternal, a tad bit more mysterious. 

A tad bit more loving. For the first lovers have joy in their hearts as they first catch a glimpse of the other. 

And in that look, it shows the face of true love. 

True love. 

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