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Who am I chasing?

Where am I going?

What am I doing?

If I knew, if only I knew.

These words run through my head. Every night.

Please tell me, what to do. I don't know what I'm chasing anymore!

Am I running for my self? For the present or the future?

What is the point of all these sleepless night?

What is the point of crying about these pointless things?

Why don't you understand what I say?

Why must you always criticize?

You're the one sinking, pulling others under.

The hypocrite who yells and screams, wanting to be seen.

I try to help you but you push me away.

Fine, I'll be gone before you pull me. Down, down under the surface.

Who am I chasing?

Where am I going?

What am I doing?

I search for the meaning outside. What am I doing?

I run to different places every night. Where am I going?

I run after perfection. Who am I chasing?

These thoughts run through my head as I lay. Lay there in the stillness.

The water calm, the water soothing.

Unlike my thoughts, unlike my life.

I lie under the surface and hope my life will be like the water above me.

Still and calm.

My brain ringing with the silence. At last.

Who am I chasing?

Where am I going?

What am I doing?

These are the questions are they not?

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