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(A/N: Sorry!!!! 😭 Between internet issues and life stuff I couldn't post this chapter yesterday but here you go!!!! Don't be too mad at me...)

Julian's apartment

The three boys were just talking as they played some video games and then their conversation got really deep

"You're thinking about having your own dance company?" Sean said to Josh

"Yeah I like what Melvin (Timtim) did with S-Rank and just had his friends and his favorite dancers just get together and form a group, and they all teach, compete and train together" Josh said

"It is brilliant" Julian comments as he knows that what wolfpack did but on another level

"I also like what Will and Janelle have done with Imma even owning their own private studio" Josh added

"So why don't you do it? I mean the studio isn't something you can do until you're an adult but you can form a group I'll join" Sean said

"I want to but I guess I just had the vision of all of my friends doing this as a group, you me Julian and the rest of wolfpack, Nat, Sienna, Gabe, Big Will, Kenneth, Taylor, everyone and we'll all just be under one umbrella like the Kinjaz that way we can keep doing our own thing but still be a group" Josh said "From boysquad to Migos it's always been small groups and just for fun but why not make a our own brand to call our own"

"We should call ourselves-"

"No we're not all going to be called lewsers" Josh stopped him

"What brought this on?"Julian asked

"I mean how long do we want to be known as Matt or Imma dancers? And start to have our own thing, I mean Sean you know! you're getting recognition on your own now its different isn't it"

"Yeah It's more attention but it brings so much more opportunities, like I went to China and Japan just to teach!" Sean said

"But I'm okay waiting, you two are the first I've even mentioned this too, besides I don't even have a name for all of us let alone a plan"

"Yeah it is a big responsibility, Wolfpack still has trouble landing jobs even with the five of us" Julian said

They took a pause to think and reflect and then Julian went next

"What if I never get a girlfriend?" Julian said as the three just laid in a circle

"Dude you'll get one you just got to ask the right girl" Sean said

"It's just every girl I like either doesn't like me back or is taken" Julian said

"Well maybe you should go for the girl that likes you" Josh said

"Who?" Julian asked as this never came up before

"Should we tell him?" Josh said to Sean

"Its technically not our place to say" Sean replied back

"Who? Is it someone I already know?" Julian asked

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