Wedding Day

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(Lowkey fav video)


Wedding day

The wedding day finally came

So many people were in the audience waiting to see the couple finally get married after so many years of being together

They had Immabeast perform for everyone but now it was time for the main part of the ceremony

Wedding Ceremony

"Do you take her to be your lawfully wedded wife" The minister asked

"I do" he answered

"Do you take him to be your lawfully wedded husband"

"I do" she answered

"You may now kiss the bride" As they kissed "I then pronounce you!!! Mr. and Mrs. Sean and Tatiana Lew!!!!!"

(This is about 7 years in the future BTW)

Wedding Reception 

Speeches as everyone eats

"Wow I don't know what to say these past 7 years with Tati have been a blast! It felt like we were going fast and next thing I know it's been 7 years with her" Sean said "And I loved every minute of it"

"Just want thank my parents as well Tati's parents which I guess now are also my parents" Sean said as people started to laugh "As well as all four of my siblings you all made this process smoother than I ever thought possible"

"Immabeast and Immabreathe you all made that performance so wonderful I'm still at a lost of words" he continued "All my friends and family that were able to make it I appreciate all of you for being here for the most important day of my life"

"I just want to thank Kaycee for keeping Tati away for that day when I was preparing the proposal, I like to thank Julian for keeping me sane up until that point as I was stressing out" Sean said as Kaycee and Julian held up their glasses for him "Thank you Tahani and Josh for setting aside your differences and helping me get everything together, all of it! From the ambiance you two set up to the last second advice you gave me" 

Josh and Tahani said you're welcome in response

"You four had made that process so much easier so thank you all for being my best friends" Sean said "And you four along with me and Tati basically set this wedding up as well I can't show my gratitude enough"

"And Tati I know you know this already but you are really pretty!" Sean said and the people who knew the inside joke of Sean always calling her pretty laughed "And I love you so much I can't wait to start this new life together"

Sean sat down and Tati stood up

"Um ditto!" Tati said as she couldn't think of what to say "I'm just lucky I was able to speak at the ceremony because I still feel like I want to cry tears of joy"

"Thank you all friends and family for just being here I can't love you all enough" Tati said

"And to my best friends to who I don't know how any of this would be possible, I mean really Josh you were the one who pushed him to ask me out to Prom all those years ago which started everything"

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