Chapter 1- The Flight

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Chapter 1- The Flight

There was no freaking way this could be happening. I am not on a plane on route to Spain. I am dreaming all of this. This is the world’s most vivid dream ever then because everything was so specific.

I pinched myself for the millionth time today. I still couldn't believe my parents had bought me a full paid flight to Spain for a student exchange program for a whole year. This really had to be a dream.

The flight attendant started to explain the emergency rules and exits. Something everyone knew already if you've already been on a plane so I just blocked it out and thought about the events of last week.

~a week in the past~

The last day of school was a gift from the heavens. It couldn't have come sooner. I was tired of school and I just knew that summer would go by way to fast only to return to the center of hell...high school.

If high school was allowed to have another name it would be warzone. A campus full of testosterone and estrogen should already be enough to give it that name. But if that isn’t enough the boys were cocky bastards who lower your IQ with the stupid shit they say. The girls –hah! -  filled with jealousy and PMS. All we need is the heavy artillery and some of these freaks bring that to school.

I was glad that I was in no way involved with the school. I am a simple ghost who attends school, does what I have to do, and goes home. I talked to no one and no one talked to me. I liked it that way.

The bell marking the last day of school chimed and I went home like usual. I assumed tomorrow would be like any other of my birthdays.

Boy was I wrong! I woke up and taped to the fridge was instructions to get dressed for the day and go on my birthday scavenger hunt. By the time the day was done I had stopped by the mall then the ice cream shop, auto store, Wal-Mart, and the restaurant where all my family was waiting to surprise me with the tickets to Spain.

~present time~

The plan had taken off and I hadn't even noticed. I popped in my headphones and relaxed. I charged it, knowing that I had ten hours of nothing due to my direct flight. I closed my eyes and drifted off to Clair de Lune.

~ten hours later~

That might have been the longest -butt numbing-flight I’ve ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Nevertheless, the arrival would be the reward for my patience.

In the whole flight I slept three times, read my book twice, and listened to the two thousand songs on my iPod. Just looking through the plane window, I knew I was going to have major jet lag!

I left the airport at home at 6:30 pm and in Spain it was one in the morning a whole seven hours difference.

I got off the plan and went through checking. I decided to step into the bathroom before meeting my "New family.” And thank gosh I did because I looked like a mess. I fixed myself up and changed my clothes into something more comfortable but still suitable for meeting new people.

I looked at my reflection. People say I’m the spitting image of my father. His signature black hair and caramel eyes. I have my mother’s height and gentle features. My nose was strait and small. The sharp v on my lip drew your eyes to them immediately. My hair bounced against my waist. “Well, Mari Perez… let’s start the adventure.” I whispered to myself.

I took a deep breath and walked out to meet the family.

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