hidden truth

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Lisaira P.OV

It has been a long day, luna set up a bed for me to rest in, but... rest was not found in my wondering my mind. It was dark, Luna was even asleep. I quietly left the room out on to the deck, I leaned forward on to the railing as I listened to the ocean and let my thoughts ponder until I felt some thing dark, almost shadowy. I turn to find what was causing this feeling, to see on the opposite side of the boat leaning on the railing was nightmare. I walk up to her and before I could say anything, "why is it that you make me jealous?" she asked as she turned to face me. "Pardon? I don't understand, why should you be?" I reply, the question took me off guard out of all things this day has made me very confused, on top of that i was tired. "The two of you seem so close, I guess I've just been with her and protected her for so long now, it's also strange for me to see the both of you in one room."she says smirking not making any eye contact. "I...apologize for my behavior"she looks at me. "I'm not always rude like that." she says as I feel the the shadowy aura disappear and a smile creeps onto my face reaching out my hand, "here lets start over, I'm lisaira it's a pleasure to meet you!" I say making her shocked for moment before gladly taking my hand " Nightmare, it's good to meet you as well." she says back. While i am happy about our new friendship I haven't forgotten what she said... The rest of the night we stayed there for a while sharing thoughts before soon shortly going to bed.

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