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Luna had already been annoyed by a certain someone who insisted that she allow a pig on her boat, she had a loss of patience. She had isolated herself in her room, in case an idiot triggered her into 'rage mode'.

 At least 'rage mode' is what the crew calls it. She was listing things that needed to be done and who shall have the task to do those things, until Nightmare came in. "Need somthing?" Luna asked. 'I sound like I need a nap...' She thought to herself. "Nothing in particular, just thought you might like to let off some steam." Nightmare said. " What do you suggest I do? " Luna asked wondering what or if Nightmare was planning. "There's a little raffle contest out on the deck, I thought you might want to partake in it." Nightmare said knowing Luna loved raffles and how she had a knack for winning them. 

Luna looked up for her work and smiled. "I'd love to." Luna said Determination filling her heart, she stood from her chair and stretched before making her way to the contest.

However, Nightmare failed to mention that the raffle contest was held to determine the pig's name. But Luna wasn't backing out now, she scribbled a name onto a small piece of paper and inserted it. Sadly, the rules stated the name couldn't be a food name so she had to rewrite it. It wasn't long before Lisaria walk up next to the raffle jar with the piglet following close behind her, and got everyones attention.

Lisaria shook the jar full of raffles and plunged her hand halfway to the bottom, pulling out the special raffle. "I'd like to introduce to you our new member..." Lisaria hesitated fiddling with the piece of paper trying to open it. Luna had her fingers crossed until she questioned why she even cared, but stopped her thoughts to listen.

"The piglets name is... Sally!!" the crowd had mixed emotions, some cheered for the new recruit and others disappointed that their names where not pick. Luna however was filled with satisfaction. "Nightmare..." Luna called. " Hmm? " Nightmare answered. "Add another win to the list!" Luna said smiling.

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