Chapter 31: Morella

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I am on my way to a meeting called in by the Top Order, when a magic that I have never felt before pulses through the world. A shockwave of strange power, and yet as it ripples on past, I find that it feels familiar but also forgotten, like the annoyance of deja vu. Then the words hit me, the voice one that I have not heard in a long, long time.

Brace yourself. He has sent me after you.

I chuckle, and slowly, it turns into a laugh. I have to lean against one of the pillars to steady myself as I recover. So the king has made his move. He thinks he is in control, that the chess board is a pawn of his own. But he is so very, very wrong. I suspected him since he first began placing his pieces in position, always vanishing periodically, saying he was "checking on the war". He must have thought I was drunk on the power I gained by marrying him, by giving him his heir, but I was quite sober. I knew he was planning something, plotting something, crafting something that would shake the foundations of Heaven. And by pitting my own lovely pieces against his, I found that I was right.

Now I must hold Heaven together, I must be its shield and its sword, and I must win this game that has gone on for too long. Regaining my composure, I make my way through the palace and towards the Top Order's abode.

Standing on a high cliff that protrudes through the mist and fog, I see the entrance to the cave that the Top Order resides in. Why they wish to shut themselves off like hermits is beyond any other god or angel, but I know the truth. No doubt she will have already arrived, and either they plan to assassinate me at the meeting or at some later event. But I know I will not die today; they will reconsider their plan, and will find it in their best interest to dispose of me some other time.

Channeling my magic, I let it out as a powerful gale instead of the usual frost. I float through the air, disappearing into the fog. My dress ripples out behind me, my hair following its lead. But the ride is short, for only a few moments later I touch the floor of the cave. My magic dissipates back into nothing but a spiraling breeze, and I walk deeper into the cavern.

Black rock surrounds me on all sides, with not a light to be seen. I consider crafting a light with my magic, but if the Top Order happens to see me, it will pique their interest in my heritage. So I commit to striding along in silence, the only sounds echoing through the darkness being my own footsteps and my gown shifting behind me. Deeper and deeper, blacker and blacker, I eventually tire of this cat-and-mouse scenario.

"You requested to see me?" My tone is edged with order and demand, a stern look given sound.

"Yes, Queen Morella. I apologize for the wait." Gruff and hard; a hand smashing into a punching bag. Bursting with intimidation and grit, this is definitely Kassiel, the power incarnate.

He marches up to me, like a dutiful soldier. It would appear to the outside world that he was indeed loyal, but I know better.

"What business do you have with me?" I need to cut straight to the chase. Kassiel may not be as cunning as his brother Zarul, but he is capable enough at stalling and dancing around loose questions.

"Come right this way," he answers, turning around and marching back to where he came from. I follow, keeping pace, using his dove-like white wings as a beacon in the dark. As we push farther into the cliff, the air begins to grow warmer and more humid, and light slowly appears. Torches start to line the obsidian-black rock of the precipice, giving an eerie glow to the atmosphere. Kassiel eventually curves away as we enter a room twice the size of the one at the entrance. I step inside, noticing the layers of not-quite-pure magic seeping from the walls. They must have hidden the traces of all their spells in here, by planting it into this room after they were done. It seems my son was right; they are using forbidden powers. The king already has his will locked deep within them; there is nothing I can do to pull them back out. 

Malelai, Soranel, and Averith stand near the center of the circular chamber, hands clasped together, looking obedient and innocent like eager dogs. There are flowers in their flowing, tumbling red locks, which cascades down their white dresses. They almost seem peaceful, and though they may not be as violent as the king, Kassiel, and Zarul, they are still forces to be reckoned with. I purse my lips and face them, keeping an eye on Kassiel, who stands to the side. I do not need to ask them again what I am here for.

"Queen Morella, we have news to announce." Malelai steps forward first; after all, she is the goddess of peace. "The Fanged General has returned from her exile."

I give a little gasp, making my features twist into a look of shock, surprise, and slight joy. Of course, I knew all of this beforehand. Who else could the voice have been? I also know that they are lying through their teeth; they could not have scheduled a meeting with me to talk about this before she arrived because they had no way of knowing that this would happen. They were planning to kill me. I had suspected it when I first received their invitation, and though I dismissed it as nothing after I learned that she had returned, confirming this attempt makes the stakes much more higher. 

"Has she redeemed herself through the trials, then?" I ask, making myself seem like I am fighting to regain composure. I subtly try to read the Top Order's faces, but they reveal nothing. Buy the act.

"It appears so, Queen Morella. She is now here, in our abode, resting." This time Soranel speaks, her voice an exact copy of Malelai's.

"May I see her?" I work up some emotion into my voice, showing them that I am simply a worried mother deep at heart. That I am weak.

"She stated that she does not want to be disturbed," Averith answers.

My lips droop into a slight frown, and I act frustrated and disappointed at the news. "Very well. When shall we announce her return to the kingom?" Make them think that I am eager to have her back. That they have a way to get to me.

"She asked for two weeks before she wishes to show her face to the world once more," Kassiel pops in from the side, his arms crossed, displaying his brute muscle and strength as he steps into view.

"I trust that you all will oversee the preparations?" Ah yes, I am nothing more than a silly queen who can't do anything for herself. Who thinks she shouldn't have to do anything for herself.

The Top Order nods, and then bows before me. Even though I am superior to them, their dismissal is clear. Deigning to acknowledge them with the dip of my chin, I turn and stride away, leaving the cursed room behind and passing through the dim light of fires.

They plan to kill me at the celebration, don't they? It has been too long since I have used the mental bond between us. 

Yes, Mother. Poison, most likely, since the event will definitely be public. Her voice has gotten harder, stronger, sharper, like one can hear the fangs she hides in her mouth. She will need those glinting canines if she is to be my knight.

Do you know what to do? 


And can you do it?


Then welcome back, Fanged General.

She does not respond, but I can imagine her smile, her teeth baring out like the wolf her title portrays. I smile as well, for when the celebration comes to pass, I will make sure that the Top Order is obliterated.

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