So I got a message from another writer who has been giving me tips and things like that for a while now, and before you ask no I cannot say names in respect of the person's request to keep their personal information off my account. They have their reason's so respect it please. Anyway they stated I should start adding pictures of what the characters looked like so this is what Allison, or Alli looks like I'll add everyone else in future chapters!


I groaned as I rolled over, and patted my hand around looking for a blanket or something to cover my shivering body. I finally found one and pulled it over my body, and nestled into the soft and warm blankets. I was trying to soothe my raging headache that wrapped all the way around my head. This is what I get for drinking to much, hell I don't even remember what the hell happened last night.

"You know, usually boss brings home a girl and tells her to get the fuck out of his room by 8. I wonder if he's doing okay, he didn't even get any action last night, he just babysat her what the hell." My eyes shot open as I heard a gruff male voice say out loud. "She's gorgeous though, and she doesn't look like she's the type to go get a late night snack" I heard another snicker. My heart was racing as I began to notice that I wasn't in my house, or sam's or jackson's. Just what exactly fucking happened last night. Now you'd think any normal or sane person would lay there planning out how the hell they were going to get out but that's not what I was going to do.

I sat up looking at the two. Smug smiles spread across their face as they sat in the the black chairs that were placed across the rather comfortable bed I was currently laying on. "Mornin' sweetheart" The bigger, scarier one said to me while he gave me a once over. Ew, gross. Ignoring the hangover I was experiencing I bolted towards the door, or more like tried to. Key word: tried. I was caught by both guys who held me in place in effort to keep me still. One guy had a grip on my waist and the other had a grip on my shoulders, I felt my adrenaline rush through my body which might I say wasn't good for them because when that happens I hone in on my skills and senses which means some guys are about to get fucked up very fast.

I kneed the man In front of me in the balls, forcing him to let go of me, while I dropped and kicked out the other man's legs watching a pistol fallout from its holster. Wait a minute why does he have a gun? I'd take it and shoot the fuckers but, I've never shot a gun before. So what am I going to do? Simple. Run. I grabbed the pistol and bolted out the door and down the stairs of the rather large and clean house. At least that's what I think it is, it's awfully big for a house. "Who the hell is that chick?" I heard one of the two men scream as their pounding footsteps echoed through the halls. I found another set of stairs and noticed they had been gaining speed, I ran faster and when I knew I could land without injury I jumped over the railing and on to the next floor. How many floors were there in this place?

I opened up a door and found myself in a huge kitchen, an empty one to be exact. "Is she Usain bolt's cousin or something damn this bitch is fast!" I heard one of the two men say, I wanted to laugh but I couldn't I needed to get out of here. I shut the kitchen door and locked it, then I started opening cabinets until I found a bunch of cereal boxes. "Fast food anyone?" I chuckled at my own joke as I stuffed my mouth and then slipped the man's gun into the box, closed the cabinet and began looking for a new way out. Lucky me there was another door, so I bolted and ran into something.

I looked up to find that it wasn't something I ran into, it was more like someone. Tyler. Wait, why is he here? I'm so confused. "Jesus Christ calm down kitten" I heard him retort as he held me in place, he had a grip on my arms. "Calm down?" I let out a single chuckle "do I look like a god damned dog to you? How can I calm down when I don't remember where I am, what happened and I have creepy ass dudes chasing me?" I asked, looking behind me to find that the two guys had finally caught up to me, with furious expressions plastered across their faces.

I squirmed in tyler's grip but he wouldn't let me go. "Andrew, Blake calm down you're scaring our guest" Tyler said in a gruff tone. I watched and they huffed and bent over, propping themselves on their knees. "See now the big bad men are chasing you kitten" Tyler said to me as if he was talking to a child. "Uhm excuse me, but I didn't need your help thank you, I was doing just fine on my own" I huffed, crossing my arms. Tyler rolled his eyes with a chuckle "Sure looked like it last night kitten" He retorted as if he had just won an argument. "What do you mean?" I asked him, curiosity saturated my voice. "Well you were at a party, we bumped into each other, you called a pothead a pussy, got drunk and then, drum roll please. You walked off, I followed you because I know the area better than you do apparently, you almost got raped but lucky you I was there. Oh and the now dead idiots from last night shoved you, you hit your head and you were bleeding so I took you here. To my mansion" Tyler said counting each event on his fingertips.

"From what I can tell you met Andrew and Blake. These guys are apart of my gang" Tyler shrugged like it was no big deal. Kinda explains why Andrew had a gun. "If they creeped you out I'm sorry, I was supposed to be watching out for you but let's just say there was a bit of emergency." Tyler apologized. I heard the other two gasp and then look at each other like white girls looking at the 80% off banner at a victoria's Secret store. "Well I have to go kitten, I'll take you home tonight" Tyler waved and walked away leaving me and the two dipshits alone. I spun around and faced them "why the bloody hell did you guys gasp like two bimbos finding out about starbucks closing or something?" I asked, tapping my foot waiting for my answer. "Tyler never apologizes. Ever." the smaller one, Blake had said. "Hmm" I replied as I began to think to myself.


I'm currently seated on a white couch, wrapped up in a soft grey blanket, trying not to cry as I watch the ending of Marley and Me with two guys who are balling their eyes out with their own tissue boxes. Now if you're wondering how exactly this happened well let me elaborate on that, a few hours ago I woke up in a strange place, ran into a gang leader, he left and I started a movie marathon with his friends and it is now 8 pm and we all have gone through 6 pints of ice cream each. "We don't deserve dogs" I heard austin sob as I leaned on him. We watched as the credits roll, and the lights to the huge cinema Tyler apparently had, causing all three of us to yell.

I heard Tyler's laughter, causing me to turn around ang glare at him. He calmed down a few minutes later and approached me. "C'mon kitten we have to go" he said nonchalantly, I sighed and got up tucked my phone into the black joggers Blake had given me after I had showered. Tyler tilted his head, staring at the grey shirt I was wearing that had 'Arizona Cardinals' written in red font on the front. "Why do you look like you just walked out of Andrew's and Blakes closet?" Tyler asked me. "One word. Shower" I replied, he nodded his head and motioned for me to follow him as he began to leave the room. "See you guys next friday, Andrew you're pick for movie night" I chirped as I waved and caught up with Tyler.

"You know for you guys being gang members you sure are nice" I stated pointed out. "You really are naive, Just because I act nice doesn't mean I am." he shrugged as we walked through the maze he calls a house. "Yeah well from what I've heard you're nicer to me than everyone else so why is that?" I asked him. "Is being nice to someone a crime because it really wouldn't be the first one I've committed" he smirked. Yep he's weird.

We finally made it out of his and to his car, which might I add was a lamborghini that was colored a sleek black, with a nice shine and scratch free. I plopped into the passenger seat and he started the car and then we were off as I gave him directions to the nearest McDonald's because I was hungry. Again. "Are you fuckin kidding me?" he asked pulling into the drive through, sending me a sharp glare which only made me chuckle. I started to grab my wallet when he waved me off, pulling out his. "Welcome to McDonalds, how can I help you?" I heard a woman's voice say over the speaker. Tyler turned towards me "6 McDoubles, a large Dr.Pepper and 2 large fries" I stated. Tyler's eyes widened and then looked at my stomach "are you pregnant or something?" he asked jokingly, he turned to order and once he did order we moved to the first window, pain and got our food.

I gave him directions to my house, ate my entire meal, and finished my soda then picked up my trash. Tyler pulled up to the front of my driveway and dropped me off, I reached for the McDonalds bag when Tyler stopped me. "Don't worry about it, I'll get it now you should go get some sleep kitten, and don't go get drunk and walk out of your house again because I might now be there to help your ass." He demanded. "Yeah yeah, alright thanks for helping me and letting me stay at your place." I huffed and rolled my eyes, a smile forming on my lips. "See you around kitten" Tyler winked, I shut the door and walked up to my front porch hearing tyler speed off. Satisfied with him being gone I walked into my house to be met with my mom and dad sitting on the couch, with furious expressions.

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