Chapter 2, Can't stop it

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FellPallette woke up that morning, he was so pleased to be greeted by a normal non-living reflection. Pallette began to get changed, once done he stepped out into his hall, he paused. Pallette heard the faint sound of laughter... It sounded like goth... He sounded happy? Odd..

Pallette lazily walked down the stairs, he was expecting one of Goths annoying friends like... What was that bright bubbly annoying one? Ah yes, Alphys, never in Pallettes life had he met someone he so severely wanted to kill and he would have already but... Pallette shivered at the thought of Undyne coming after him, that was not monster he wanted as an enemy.

Pallette dulled his thoughts and rounded the corner. To his surprise, it wasn't Alphys... It was him but not him, it was that fucking reflection!

"Hello Pallette" Shatter greeted, pallette went on earth did his reflection escape!!??? "Hi Pallette" Goth greeted happily "Uh" Pallette responded, he was stumped for words, he couldn't find an appropriate response for any of this. "Don't mind him Goth. He's a little... What's the word again?" Shatter asked

"Dim?" Goth responded "Cute, but dim doesn't quite do it...Fool maybe dunce? dolt?, ignoramus?, cretin?, imbecile?, dullardmoron? simpleton?" Shatter smiled to himself, the satisfaction of knowing that he was smarter than his counterpart washed over him "Okay we get it.. You could have just called me stupid" Pallette said dismissively, he kind of felt dumb, not knowing half of the words that Shatter knew was denting his ego.

"You look quite wounded Pali, something the matter?" Shatter prodded, Pallette was starting to get annoyed, but he wouldn't let this asshole get the best of him "Too much of a dolt to answer, are we?" Shatter said continuing to tease him. He was waiting for Pallette to snap, it didn't take much, he predicted it in 3,



Pallette shot him a glare, he ran across the room, hit into Shatter ( pining him against the wall in the process) and held a knife to his throat "Who's stupid now?" Pallette asked with an insane tone. Shatter rolled his eyes, he would have been taken a back if it wasn't for how predictable Pallette was.

Shatter chuckled in response "Still you" He said with a smirk. Pallette got angrier and tightened his grip on Shatter, pressing the knife into his throat,  drawing some black blood in the process "P-pallette, he d-didn't m-mean it, p-please let him go" Goth tried to reason with Pallette, failing to collect his words, it was a mixture of fear and anger that caused him to trip up.

Pallette shot Goth a glare, he let go of Shatter and walked towards Goth. Who exactly did Goth think he was? Oh well it didn't matter since Pallette intended to put him back in his place. Pallette drew his knife up, with intention of slashing Goth across the face. He swiftly drew the knife down but his hand stopped, he looked at Shatter who was holding Pallettes wrist, the knife a few centimeters from Goths face.

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