Chapter 11

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A/N Oh look guys another crappy chapter. Honestly why am I even writing this stuff at this point


By now, everyone in the school knew of Iceland's and Norway's relationship as siblings. Blood siblings that is; Iceland still didn't like acknowledging Norway as his older brother. But he had no choice but to go up to the man during breakfast time to ask for help. Don't get this twisted though, Norway is, by no means, Iceland's brother!

At first, Iceland didn't even think of speaking to Nor about this matter, especially since Nor was the one who told a fucking mountain troll to play dead. But this situation has gotten on his nerves for far too long now.

"Nor- I mean, Lukas..." Iceland mumbled as softly as he can as he approached the person who is not his brother at the teacher's table. This, of course, got the attention of all the teachers there, and Snape gave him piercing looks while McGonagall raised an eyebrow. Quirrel also looked quite worried about Iceland, but he shrugged it off because Quirrel was ALWAYS worried. It was slightly unnerving, but Iceland had more pressuring matters in his hand.

"Yes?" Nor stopped poking his food with his fork and turned to Iceland. "Do you want something, Little Brother?"

"I am not your little brother!" Iceland replied hotly, but after noticing the looks he got from McGonagall, he lowered his volume, and gritting his teeth, decided to speak more...politely.

"Y-yeah, I need to talk to you about something." He shrugged. Norway suddenly looked delighted, though he didn't smile, otherwise people question if he had accidentally eaten a magic mushroom.

"You're finally asking me for help?" Nor has an amused spark in his normally dim eyes.

"Yes, shut up." Iceland grunted, now not so sure if he did the right thing to ask Norway. But hey, Finland and Sweden were skipping breakfast to go to the library, and Denmark and Prussia aren't exactly the best people to talk to about this kind of thing. In conclusion, he had no other choice.

"Take a seat." Nor smiled but it wasn't really as smile as he conjured up a chair for Iceland to sit down. At this point, the other teachers didn't give two shits about their conversation, but the rest of the students were a bit skeptical of the chair that appeared at the teacher's table out of nowhere. Luckily, Iceland was short as fuck in his (hopefully temporary) eleven-year-old body, so no one saw him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Nor asked once Iceland was comfortable in his seat. The older nation began petting Iceland on the head, but Iceland moved away, feeling his face grow hot.

"Well...I feel strange."


Iceland took a deep breath. "I feel like I'm missing something. Or someone."

"How long has this feeling been troubling you?"

"Since the start of the year..."

"Who or what are you missing?"

"How the fu- How am I supposed to know?" Iceland cleared his throat to stop himself from swearing in front of the other teachers.

"Maybe it has something to do with that owl of yours."

"Owl?" Iceland blinked. Snowy?

"Yes, your owl, Emil. She had been staring at me from my window for many weeks now. I closed the curtains but I can still see her silhouette. " Nor looked dead serious, and Iceland knew he wasn't making a bad joke.

"Den has been saying that too." Iceland lowered his voice to a whisper so soft that no normal human would be able to hear the. But both Iceland and Norway could still hear it because fabulous powers that come with being a nation.

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