4 days

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Days passed quickly as they were filled and fast paced. It was non stop for the first couple of weeks and eventually I had a day off. Well, it was meant to be. They only really promoted my "brand" as they called it, in Asia. So I had a huge Korean and Chinese fan Base, a bit in Europe but thankfully barely anything in America because Sab already had a fan Base there and there was no need for publicity.

"Hey come here kid" one of the guys with a clipboard said. "It's Marshall" I sighed following him as he took me to the middle of a large dressing room filled with couches and racks of clothes. He stood me in the middle on a small circular step up which had a few mirrors to the side so I could look at myself. I had really changed. I wouldn't of been able to recognise myself if it weren't for the slight scar on my top right head which was from the lamp. You could barely see it but; it was there.

"It's really not" Another voice said and I looked up "What?" I asked slightly lost. "Your name, it's going to have to go. We were thinking something edgy like Prince or Blue." He shrugged "perhaps Linkden, that's got good feedback" the guy with the clipboard shrugged. "Wait, my name? But I don't suit any of those names" I protested. My name was practically the only thing they hadn't warped. "That doesn't matter. How about Rhett? No to complex, Tom? Too simple... how about; Charlie?" He said with a gleam in his eye. "High approval ratings for that one, I like it" the clipboard board guy interjected. "Link it is. So Link, take your top off" he said sitting casually texting on one of the couches. "What? Why?" I asked but he gave me a look daring me to challenge him. I took off the jacket and then my t shirt, all was left was my levi jeans and my Calvin pants sticking up just a bit so they were visible. I kinda missed choosing what to wear but it beat not having enough clothes to wear at home.

I was now stood on this mini podium shirtless and waiting for them to do whatever. Suddenly the door opened behind me and there was a flurry of people entering the room. One woman caught my eye particularly. She wore a large red hat that covered her face completely, something that would be worn at the races.

"Please miss, sit here, is there anything I could get you" the concierge said a little too desperately.  She just shook her head subtly.

"Miss this is the boy." Said the man who was texting earlier, Wyatt I think his name is.

"Hmmm" was all the woman said. I still couldn't see her face but I could feel her eyes trailing over me. I shifted a little uncomfortably. "And what does he sound like" her soft voice danced from beneath the hat. "Speak" Wyatt ordered and I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say. "I don't know?" I said nervously, I don't know why though. "Hmm" she said again. "Perhaps this could work. Well done Wyatt" she said not taking her eyes from my body. "We'll leave you alone" Wyatt said slowly ushering everyone out except from me. I stood there uncomfortably.

"Turn" she ordered in a single tone. I complied turning slowly. "You must be very cheap if you traded in your family and everything else just to be ordered around all day" she remarked. I didnt bother correcting her that I had nothing to trade in.

"Sit" she ordered and I sat on the couch she was sitting on. She removed her hat and I finally recognised who she was; Sabina Joy. Anyone would have recognised the top 10 pop idol sensation. "We're going to be spending quite a bit of time together..." she trailed off looking at me. "Charlie" I said remembering Wyatts choice. "I have to make sure you arent a complete jackass." She said harshly. "What do you like to do then?" She asked a little disinterested.  I shrugged my shoulders. "I never really had time for hobbies, I guess taking pictures isn't so bad" I said and she looked at me a little surprised. "So it's not football? Or skateboarding or video games?" She laughed. "No I never had time for those. I used to do track but I had to give it up." I shrugged remembering liking that. "Whys that?" She asked looking into me. "It was after school and my mom didn't want me to go and my attendance was low enough to get me kicked off the team" I said not really looking at her. "Why did your mom not like it?" She asked leaning forward. "She thought it was a waste of time cause she thought I was never gonna go anywhere, I wasn't good enough" I shrugged and she nodded slowly. "Yeah but if it was something you loved" she pushed again and I shrugged. "So what else?" She asked and I shrugged not wanting to talk about it. Obviously she hadn't been said no to alot. "So what about your parents, you can't of been a very good son to just ditch them like that" she grilled and my fists clenched. "It's not like that" I said gritted teeth. She smiled at my reaction "So what happened?" She asked leaning back. I shook my head "it's just not like that. What about you? You're here too, where's your parents?" I shot back. She laughed "They are on a cruise off somewhere sunny I bet. They don't stick around much" she smiled. "What are those?" She asked running her manicured fingers over the scars on my chest. The long one stretching from my shoulder down to just under my rib cage. I didnt meet her gaze. "I fell" I said as I had done all the times before. "Sure, so what's the truth?" She drilled again. I stayed silent not giving her anything. We ended up talking some more, when she wasn't grilling me she was okay. I hadn't expected to not be so cold.

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