Chapter Five - Teasing

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Chapter Five - Teasing

"I still can't believe you're dating Niall Horan," Lexa giggles, bags resting on her arms as we walk around the mall. The only downfall to being his girlfriend is now in being followed by paparazzi everywhere, making sure I don't mess up. The girlfriends might be under more pressure than the boys themselves, because we have to be careful what we do in public, just as the lads do. But if we mess up, it's the worst sin since Judis, and if the lads mess up, it's the most adorable thing since Boo the Pomeranian.

"Yeah, but it's like insane. I'm surprised there aren't photos of me showering yet." We both giggle and I pull her into some store, needing to pick out a dress for whatever Niall is taking me to. Christmas is right around the corner, maybe I should get his gift while I'm out. I've been putting money aside to buy him this beautiful guitar I found. It's blue, his favorite color. The price isn't cheap, but I own a publishing company now.

Hath has officially retired and handed his prized possession over to me. Nobody at the office knows yet, I've been in Ireland with Niall for the past week. He even agreed to let Lexa come and stay in the hotel because we've never spent a Christmas apart.

"I should be getting back to the hotel," she smiles as Niall approaches us, sweaty from his workout. I nod and hug her tightly before turning on Niall, a smile playing on both our lips.

"Why hello, I was wondering if I could get a kiss here on the cheek, Mr. Horan," I smile, taping my cheek softly. He chuckles and leans in, lips dangerously close to my skin as I turn my head and press my lips to his. He smiles and coils his fingers around my neck, pulling me closer into the kiss.

"Mm.. I missed you, babe.." My stomach flips perfectly at the name, my eye lashes fluttering as he nudges his nose against mine. "Have you picked out your dress yet?"

"I wanted you to help me," I mumble, looking up at him through my lashes. He smiles and nods, letting me pull him to the back of the store we stand in. I look through everything and pull out a cute black dress, the skirt is a bit poofy, but the bodice is fitted. "Well?"

"It'll make you look fat," he says, and I nod, chewing on my lip as I place it back on the rack. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly hurt by his comment.

I slowly pick out another black one, it's fitted everywhere, but the material stretches a little. I raise an eyebrow and look at him.

"Are you going to a funeral?" He chuckles softly but I just put it back and looks for something more colorful. I'm not sure why he's being a complete ass, but I won't let it affect my mood. Ooh who am I kidding? It's already affected my mood..

"What about this one?" He holds up a really long dress, floor length. What's wrong with my legs? Nothing, he's just trying to be helpful.. "Your legs are getting a bit thicker, so I figured you'd want to hide it." Or maybe not.

"What?" I say. He repeats himself, not seeing the issue. "No, I heard you, I was just giving you the chance to correct yourself." I roll my eyes and push past him, grabbing my bags from the ground and make my way out to the city. I have no idea where the hell I'm going, but anywhere is better than here, listening to my boyfriend insult me.

Paparazzi are up my ass as I walk down the streets of Mullingar. I can't believe he had the audacity to say I was getting 'thicker'. I am not! Although, I admit I have been skipping my daily workouts because the company has taken precedence. And I might be eating more from stress, snacking on whatever I can reach at the time. But I am not getting thicker.

I hear him yelling for me and I roll my eyes, ignoring both him and the hundreds of questions from the paps. My face is straight as I hail a cab, telling the driver the address and to hurry it up.

How dare he. We've only been dating for two months, that sure as hell doesn't give him the right to say I've been getting 'thicker' or to comment on my weight at all! I am pissed beyond comprehension. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that Niall James Horan, the world heartthrob, the 'sweetest guy you'll ever meet' could be so insulting.

My phone rings, playing that annoying tone that's preinstalled on all iPhones. I press ignore and take a deep breath.

Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe he was just trying to be helpful, save me from some judgmental asshole. Who am I kidding? He is the judgmental asshole.

Sighing, I pull out my phone and call my assistant, chewing on my lip as it rings.

"Hathaway Publishing House, how may I help you?" I smile at her warm tone, it's the only thing that calms me down.

"Hey, Liz, I need you to book me a flight for tomorrow, two tickets please. Give them my card number and have the tickets send to my hotel."

"Of course, anything else?" I tell her no and hang up, looking out the window as we arrive to the hotel.

"Thank you," I smile at the man, handing him the money due, climbing out of the car with all my bags. My feet carry me to the elevator and up to my room, locking the door as I walk in.

To: Lexa Xx

'Going home tomorrow, flight is already booked. Have your bags packed.'




HEY! I know it's been a while, but I've got like major writers block! And I'm looking into publishing agents because I've been talking with publishers and they say that in order to accept my work I need an agent. But hey! I'm gonna be getting published! Maybe. Hahah.

Anyways, how about Niall? He's becoming a real tool, yeah? In the story at least xD

WHO IS READY FOR THE WORLD CUP! I wish Ireland was playing (they're my favorite team, they were ranked like #4 this season I believe) but hey, I'll cheer for England all the same! I probably should be cheering for the US, but let's face it. The US team sucks ass. #22. Really? That's just pitiful.

Okay well I'm pretty sure you all stopped reading. So bye! I'll give you more information when I can about my publishing deals!! Xx

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