8 Books- Dragon Series

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*Updated as of Nov 9th 2021* This Series is now part of the Beastly Kingdom series. It's going to be a vary large series with space dragons, werewolves, lycans, snakes, made up creatures and so much more.

I was debating about 5-8 books for the Dragon Series

I think I'm leaning towards 8 Dragon hordes, with each having two Dragon Lords

1 - A Dragon's Fire

2 - A Dragon's Wrath

3 - A Dragon's Weakness

4 - A Dragon's Enemy

5 - A Dragon's Regime

6 -

7 - 

8 -

Now what I'm debating is if they are all separate books but have the same location and what not's or if you read about characters you've already read about as we go down the list.

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