Chapter 4 ( Grace's pov )

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I dance along the railing with millions of thoughts running through my head. That guy I just saw was funny. He actually made me smile! I can still feel his hand on mine and it makes my heart flutter. When was the last time I touched someone. I was so startled though that I couldn't speak to him, or even just say "you're welcome". I wish I did, I wish I was able to say "you can stay here, I don't mind" or "Hi, I'm Grace, it's nice to meet you", but no. Nothing! I felt a blush rise at the thought of him. Even if I may not be human, I still feel things and emotions. I think I'm a wondering spirit. I realised this when I was dancing in front of the sun's gleam. I have no shadow and you can just barely see through me. My dress is completely white and my hair is light and flows in the wind. It's like something you would see in a horror movie I think, but that guy wasn't scared so maybe I'm wrong.

This is only the start.

It's that voice again! Who is it? "Hello?" I say out loud and stop dancing so I could pay attention in case she shows herself. After a while of waiting, I knew I would get and answer so I decide to leave it as a day and go somewhere. Wait. Do I sleep like a normal person? Do I have a home? Where do I go? At that thought, a little light appears before me, floating in the air. It glistened yet didn't shine on anything around it. It didn't even have a reflection in puddle beneath it. It then started to fly away so I decided to go after it and see what it was about.

After a while it started to get faster and I had to run. My bare feet tip toeing along the pavement. The street lights shining down on me as I ran under them, making me feel like I was under spotlight. The light kept moving forwards and I spotted a church in the distance, a black metal fence around it, providing a large area for a grave yard. The light was able to squeeze past the fence with ease. I looked up the fence and wondered how I would sneak in. Then I realise how light me feet are and take a few steps back before running forwards and leaping gracefully over the fence, landing in a grand plié, feet in first position as if I was going to start dancing. I got up and ran after the light which stopped and hovered over a grave. I ran over to it quietly and tilted my head to read the gravestone. A tear was shed when I read the passage and I realise I was right. On the gravestone read:

Grace Pose, age sixteen, 7.7.1987 - 3.6.2003

I looked upon my grave and fell to my knees. I'm dead! I'm not free though. I'm a wonder! A unfree spirit! I don't belong here. Why am I here? Let me go. I can't handle having to go through this. My freedom should be an option. Why did this happen to me?

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