Chapter 1

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Chapter One


I ran a hand through my silky, black hair as I stepped into the doctor's office. I tapped my feet impatiently as I sat and waited for the doctor. Checking the time on my phone, I realized it was three o'clock. My lunch break was ticking away slowly. I was somewhat excited for this check-up.

A woman in a pristine, white coat walked in a few minutes later. She had my medical file in her hand and was scanning it through. "So Lila, how have you been doing? Any luck?"


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I knew immediately what she was referring to. For the past three years I've been coming to her office for check-ups; more accurately, pregnancy check-ups.

In the three years of my marriage, my husband and I were trying to get pregnant. Nothing ever worked. We visited many gynaecologists but Ms Beaumont was the one we stuck with. We were both tested and proven to be fertile and healthy. We didn't know why I couldn't get pregnant. I became so frustrated with the results that sometimes I cried when I got my period. She told us to stop stressing about it and eventually it would happen; after all, I was only twenty-six and my husband was twenty-seven, we had plenty of time.

I licked by bottom lip nervously. "I did a pregnancy test and it came back positive," I burst out. Relieved I leaned back. Immediately, I became tense again. What if the test was a lie! I couldn't face it anymore if that was the case.

"You want me to confirm it," she stated. A smile was on her face.

I nod. Slowly, the tension was coming back out of my bones. It was the other day I realized that I missed by period. If everything was good, then I was pregnant; but if it took a turn for the worst, I was late or experiencing menopause at an early age—a rare occurrence. Then again, the test did say I was pregnant; I was hopeful, but hope could be oh such a dangerous thing.

Thirty minutes later, I walked out of the office as a changed woman. I was approximately six weeks pregnant. I would've loved to see my husband's face if he was with me.

My mouth soured as I thought of Chris. We've been having more problems lately. The whole ordeal had me stressing. That was not good for my health now. I press a finger to my temple as I felt a headache coming on.

I pushed the stick into park as I stopped in the parking lot outside my modelling and designing agency. A smile made its way to my face. I was finally pregnant!

There was a pause in the lobby as I walked through. Being the CEO made you stand out. Ignoring the stares, I made away across the floor. Eventually the bustle started back up as I stepped into the elevator. Pushing the button to the last floor, I waited on the elevator to go up.

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