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Not gonna lie, I've been putting off writing this chapter cause i dint want this book to end but here we are. 

I've also been dong some editing but thats a story for another time, did you catch that pun.

So here we are, the last leg of Chris and Lila's journey. I guess I'll do Katerina and Marco next or maybe Jon and . . . well thats a surprise. I want to finish rewriting this though.

Anyways check out my new book, the female boss. 

Lotsa love, peace.

I've been holed up in this hospital room since the beginning of last week. I was due any day now. Chris made sure that I was well attended to. I had the best that money could buy but I was still bored out of my mind.

I found it touching that Chris's family opted to come here so that they could all be with me for the birth. Everyone was at my parents' and they were in a frenzy preparing for the baby. The excuse the James gave – "It is our first grandchild, we're all excited." I thought it was adorable.

Jon visited me a few hours ago. Along with him, he brought a friend, Annalisse.

I slid off the bed. When I stood, my stomach blocked the view of my feet. I felt heavy. I liked to take walks to ease my boredom as well as the worry I was feeling. I even made a few friends.

"Hey," I greeted the brown-haired 16-year-old. "How are you?"

She looked at me with shiny eyes. "Isn't my Rosa beautiful?" she asked. The baby had pink cheeks and was tiny. I sat beside her. Her name was Betty.

I met her a few days ago and she quickly became attached to me. I was a motherly figure to her. She was so young, but she already has had a hard life.

She leaned her head on my shoulder. "He hasn't come visited you know. He knows that I had the baby, he was the first person I called. He said he would always be there for me."

"Don't cry," I comforted her. "You'll upset Rosa."

Betty had put her trust in the wrong person but that was the rule of life. You live and you learn. I stayed with Betty for a good three hours. She was bedridden since she had done a C-section. I was her only company.

I looked at the time, "I guess I better get going." I kissed her forehead.

I was almost at the door when I hear her tell me to wait. I turned to face her, and she pointed to where I was sitting. It was wet, my water broke.

"Your contractions are going to start soon!" she said excitedly. "Good luck."

When I got to my room, I immediately called the nurse and told her what happened.

"Did you feel any pain?" She asked.

I paused thoughtfully, "I did feel a slight pain when I went to bed last night." I said finally.

In an hour, the waiting hall was crowded with members of Chris's family as well as mine. When Chris arrived, he was immediately by my side. "The nurse said you were in labour, are you okay?"

I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. "I only felt two contractions so far, we have a long time before this baby comes. This will be easy."

This nurse advised us to take small walks to help. Chris was holding my hand as I took unsteady steps around the waiting hall.

We didn't find out the gender of our baby. Chris and I wanted to be surprised. We also wanted to do the birth naturally. "This will go smoothly. I love you."

I was NOT screaming that twenty hours later.

I was in so much pain and my hair was plastered to my face by sweat. "Breathe, breathe."

I felt my next contraction and the grip I had on Chris's hand tightened. I didn't even remember he was there.


I began screaming with the effort I was exerting. When the contraction died, I started cursing. "You fucking bastard. You are not coming anywhere near me or my bed again."

I felt the next contraction and deep down, my instincts told me to push. "AAHH," I screamed again, but this time it was accompanied by the tiny wail of a baby.

I laid back exhausted. The nurse invited Chris to cut the umbilical cord. She then handed the sticky baby to me and I was so overwhelmed I started crying. "It's a boy."

I gently held the tiny human being to my body. "This is my baby." I said looking at him through blurry eyes. He was pink and wrinkled and absolutely beautiful. Chris sat beside me and gently reached to touch the baby. "Chris, this is our son."

I fell asleep sometime after. I woke up with my baby clean and wrapped in soft blankets. He was gently cradled in my arms. I once read somewhere that babies recognized the scent of their mother.

The door opened and the nurse walked in pushing a trolley. "Oh, you're awake Mrs James. Since you're awake, I can get you started on breastfeeding."

She showed me how to hold the baby and immediately he latched onto me. I cooed at him.

Chris came during that moment. "What are we going to name him?" Chris asked.

I looked down at my baby. "Andrew, His name is Andrew."

Chris stayed Andrew and I. When our families came to visit again, like the proud father he already was, he showed off his son.

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