Chapter 11

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I could faintly hear my brother. His voice was so far away. 

"We should take her to a hospital."

"She's going to be okay. She just fainted, the unease should wear off soon."

"I'm calling a doctor anyway."

"What's your name," My brother's voice grit out. "And tell me what happened."

"Katarina... I don't know... We were just talking and..."

The rest of the conversation became incomprehensible.


When my eyes fluttered open, I had a mild headache and my mouth felt dry.

I tried to sit up but felt a rush of dizziness. "It's okay sweetheart," my mother cooed. "Take it easy."

She handed me a glass of water. "Drink this."

I felt myself relax as the coolness touched my lips.

Jon came in as I finished a second glass. "Thank God you're awake. I can let the my friend have another look at you."

He left to get his friend.

"Where is Katarina?"

My mom caressed my hair. "She had business to attend to, she left not so long ago."

At that moment, Jon came in with his friend. "Li, you remember Richard right."

My eyes widened. "Richard? Your best friend?"

My eyes studied him again. He was quite different than I remembered. His sandy blonde hair was cropped short and he certainly filled out compared to the lanky guy I remembered. he was ... Handsome.

"Well look at you." I chuckled. "You grew into a heart breaker."

He smiled. 

He sat in the chair my mother had vacated. That is when my stomach made an appearance.

A blushed filled my cheeks.

"I didn't eat anything."

My mother shrieked. "That is unhealthy for your body, I will get you something."

"Bring her back plenty of fluids," Richard told her. "She will need some after the vomiting she did."

"Lila, you're okay." he told me.

I nodded.

"But, you have to be careful with your body. You're now living for two persons. Try to keep your stress levels to a minimum, your baby is depending on you. You lost some fluid today, so make sure you're never out of liquids. You're also going to experience morning sickness so watch yourself and eat healthy."

I nodded.

He got up. "I guess we are done here. Jon, I have to go."

Jon shook his hand and bumped their shoulders. "See you bro."

When Richard left, he sat in the now empty chair.

We were both silent.



"You go first." Jon sighed.

"I think Chris is cheating on me Jon."

His eyes widened in surprise. "Why?"

"Let me finish."

He listened while I explained my situation.

"Have you ever suspected him of cheating before?"

"No, but the evidence is here. I can confidently sate he is cheating."

"Do you trust him?" he asked.

"I wish I didn't trust him so much, maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad."

He sat on the bed beside me and pulled me into his arms. "Everything's gonna be alright."

We stayed in that position until my mother gently cleared her throat.

"You need to talk to Chris before the baby arrives." he said before kissing my forehead. "Don't stress too much."

My mom set the tray of food in front of me. I thanked her as my stomach growled again.

I was just realizing how hungry I was after digging into the food.  

"Do you think I should try and talk to Chris?"

"Don't talk with food in your mouth." She berated me.

"You didn't answer my question." I ignored her.

"That decision rests entirely up to you. You are your own person." she smiled.

"Wow, that was so helpful," I blurted out sarcastically.

She grinned deviously at me. "Thank you sweetheart," she grinned prompting me to roll my eyes.

"Some mother you are."

"The very best."


I was on day three of bed rest. 

Bored out of my mind was an understatement. 

"I haven't seen Dad in a while. Where is he?" I groaned at Mom.

She looked up from her magazine. "Don't you remember, next week is the Charity Auction and Polo. He is one of the event organizers."

"Oh. I totally forgot." I played with my fingers. "I remember I was going to be auctioned when Chris and I would have arrived."

"Don't be silly sweetheart. No-one expects you to participate after your traumatic experiences."

Chris and I had it planned. I would be auctioned and he would buy me for a date. it would be sweet and romantic and for a good cause.

"I want to participate mom. It will help me forget and have fun."

"Are you sure dear," she bit her lip. Quite unladylike of her.


"Chris is still coming!"

And tension is building. Characters will be meeting. Drama will come together nicely.

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