Chapter 6

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The military facility spanned over a large area filled with many different parts. This facility was surrounded by a gate with barbed wire and watchtowers, as to protect it from an intruder or a Mutt attack. The main centre of operation was the remains of an old apartment building known as 'The Tower' where those high up in the ranks would work, it was also the overseeing control base for The New Government. Weapons and artillery were stored in bunkers that at one point were convenience stores. Dorms were set up around the facility for all students training whilst soldiers and members of The New Government had either full huts built for them or spent their nights in The Tower. The courtyard took up a large chunk of the back area, used for training students in practical activities. Near it was an abandoned school building used for students when studying or as a social point when they had time off.

In a small abandoned classroom. Nathan, Elliott, Emily and Roberto sat in silence trying to understand the questions The New Government had tasked them with answering as their first challenge. Nathan sighs, "this is pointless" he exclaimed throwing the question paper across the room, "this has to be some kind of ruse. The New Government can't expect to create good soldiers and keep their young trainees excited when this is the shit they pull" he rubs his hands over his face, truly exhausted and frustrated. Nathan lets out a groan to vent his anger and breathes heavily. "Man I bet you were a joy in school" Emily quips sarcastically, leaning back in a warn out leather chair, resting her feet on the table. "What?" Nathan looks to her, still panting loudly. "Well with your 'education is useless' attitude. I can imagine you weren't the most fun to deal with" she responds, very relaxed.

Nathan calms down and takes a minute to regulate his breathing. He sits on the nearest table, refusing to make eye contact with any of his teammates. "I didn't go" he mutters. The room falls silent, the others take a minute to process. Emily looks to Nathan with a look in her eye of curiosity and wonder, she begins to think what his life must be like, and what drove him to get here. This however was cut short as Roberto blurts "what do you mean you didn't go to school?". Roberto knew fine well what Nathan meant but was just as curious as Emily to know of his backstory, admittedly in a more nosey and condescending way. Nathan then looks to the others, facing each of their glare. He can tell they are all judging him, yet all for different reasons and all In different ways. He gulps, "I mean after a while I found school pointless. After everything I experienced in my past I thought it was useless dribble. Society is never going to be how it once was so there's no point in trying. I found it more necessary to do what I have to in order to keep what's left of my family alive. And for me, that isn't writing essays or solving equations". He looked to the ground again. "Plus it's not like a good education will help me get my mother back will it"

The room fell silent again, Elliott looked to Nathan "I'm sorry for your loss". He said with a tone of voice to show that he did mean it. Nathan knew as he looked to his new found friend and smiled "it's okay".
"Alright, now that's outta the way. Can we get back to studying. Cause I don't know about you guys, but being a doctor requires a lot of work and I'm not letting it go down the drain" Roberto snapped. The group turn to him intrigued, "you're studying to be a doctor?" Emily asks, "yes" Roberto responds. "I wanna be a medical examiner and look after soldiers injured in combat". Elliott with a confused look asks. "Well then why are you here, isn't this training for soldiers. Shouldn't you be in a medical program?" Roberto sighs, "it's required we have to take field training as well, in case we're ever called on in battle".

Nathan rolls his eyes and gets up, "look you can stay here and study all you want. I'm gonna get some rest and then train for what we've got coming up. Because I don't know about you but I signed up to help people, not read textbooks". He proclaims as he walks away. The group look around at each other, Elliott and Roberto stare at each other, lost as to what to do. Emily sighs and follows after Nathan.

Nathan storms out of the school building into the courtyard, Emily running after him. "Nathan wait" she says trying to get him to stop. He keeps going, "Nathan please" she continues. He turns to her, "what is it? What do you want" he mutters. She looks him in the eye, "to actually get to know you. There's clearly something going on, I just wanna talk. Find out what's going on and help you" She pleads to him.

Whilst frustrated Nathan did realise he needed someone to help him, and he needed to get a lot off his chest. He could tell Emily was genuine, there was a look of true kindness and purity in her eyes that he couldn't refuse. "Okay, okay look. I'll talk, I'll tell you everything. Just not here, I don't feel comfortable here, plus there's too high a chance someone will overhear". He already felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, the prospect of trusting someone and letting them into his life was exciting for him. Yet he also felt nervous about sharing all the details of his life with someone else.

"Fine" Emily said. Happy she could finally help Nathan with whatever he struggled with. "I know just the place" she smirked as she took his hand and lead him to their runaway point.

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