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Fantasia P.O.V

I was walking on the beach because I was in the mood to be alone. I wasn't supposed to be wandering on my own, Peter's order but I just couldn't help to explored the island. Even though I've lived in this island for a long time, I still couldn't help myself. If I was gone for a very long time Peter ended up coming to get me or have the other lost boy getting me. But he did it mostly. I mostly just stared at the ocean for a long time or the stars and kinda got lost in my own head that's why I always got back late. It was also one of the reason why Peter didn't let me to wander alone. He's worried that I might get into trouble with the pirates because I always get lost in my head so it would be easy for them to kidnapped me. He never stopped treating me like a little girl.

But what he didn't know is that I have a good relationship with the pirates. They said that they didn't hold any grudges to me, just Peter. Peter never found out, that I once aboard the jolly roger (Captain Hook's ship) and sailed a little bit. Sure Peter could detect anyone that's leaving the island but I was not actually leaving it. I was just swimming in the ocean on top of the boat. Make sense?

Well I was walking along the beach when I saw something. But the more I got closed to it, the clearer I saw that it's actually someone. It was a girl laying there, she was unconscious. She looked about my age. She got black hair that's all tangled up and a gown? Is she a royalty? I was so confused. Cause I knew that Peter's shadow must be the one that brought her because Peter has been with us this whole time so it couldn't be him. But the thing is his shadow never brought a girl.

I decided to get Peter cause I couldn't dragged this girl back to camp. So I ran back to the forest whilst calling Peter.

"PETER! PETER!" I shouted.

Suddenly smokes appear in front of me then Peter suddenly grab my shoulder.

"What?!" He asked and began to check my body as if he was looking for any injuries, "Did you get hurt? I told you not to wander alone. But you didn't listen."

"Stop it," I said and getting his hand off my shoulder, "I'm fine. There's something I've got to show you. Come on" I said while dragging him to the girl.

"Look," I said pointing at her.

Peter began to check the girl, looking at her confusingly. "It's a girl."

I rolled my eyes, "Obviously."

"But how? My shadow never brought a girl." I just shrugged telling him that I didn't know myself. He checked her pulse. "She's alive. Come on let's bring her to camp."I nodded and follow him back to camp. "She must be something for the shadow to bring her here or she used another way." He said while walking back to camp with the girl in his arm.

"Wait another way? You're talking about the beans?" I asked, and he nodded. "How did she get it? It's so rare. Or maybe she teleport? But to another realm? So she got magic?" I started asking questions worrying that she might be a danger. Peter just chuckled. "Why are you laughing? You don't feel threatened? Peter she could be dangerous."

He shook his head while smiling and suddenly he stopped his track which made me do the same. He put the girl down and walked over to me. Then he grabbed my shoulder gently, lowered his head so his eyes was in the same level as mine.

"Don't worry sunshine. Even if she's dangerous. I won't let her do anything to you. I will protect you. You understand? As long as I'm breathing no one shall ever harm a single strand of you hair." He said while tugging a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Peter..." I said. I'm not flushed by those words because I'm used to it. I knew he'll always protect me. But whenever he said that I always responded it with a joke but I knew he meant every word. "I know old man. I know."

"Old man?!" He said with a high tone but also smiling.

"What? Am I wrong?" I asked innocently. "You are like... I don't know... centuries old? Come on old man, with your age and that girl in your arm it will take us another year to get to camp."

He laughed, "A year huh?" He took the girl in his arms again then started to float.

Dămn it. I forgot that he could fly. Now I'm gonna be the one that is left behind and Peter will mock me while floating in the air.

"Who's gonna be the old one now?" He laughed in the air. See what I told you, there's one thing that you should know about him. Is that Peter Pan always have a comeback and

Peter Pan never fails.

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