Chapter 3

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Where he talks to Audience

(Zed's POV)

What am I doing? I'm sneaking out to football try outs. I know there is a chance of getting caught but with the mastery of my stealth moves I will get there without being seen. Right after I said that I hit my foot on a book holder. " Owww." I say now whenever I walk I limp. This cheerleader comes out and looks at me. " Ahhh! Zombie!" She yells and switches a lever to a...Z-alert. " Hey no, no. You don't have to be...scared." I say and gave up at the end because everyone was freaking out. These guys came around the corner and saw me. " Hey, there he is." one of the guys said before they all chased after me. I ran as fast as I can. I was way ahead of them and ran into a random room that had a silver door.

(Y/n's POV)

Addison, Bree, and I were walking out. " There is a zombie safe room like right there." Addison said. Bree looks over at it and screams and runs away. " I'll go get her. You go to the zombie safe room." Addison told me. " Alright." I say. I walk towards the zombie safe room and walk in. " Zombie safe room secure." I heard a voice say but I saw movement. " Hello?" I ask. " Hello?" They say back. " Hello?" I ask stepping forward. " Why hello~" they say flirtatiously. " Watch it buster. The only thing more dangerous then my high kick is my low kick." I say sassily. " Sorry. This is just isn't what I thought was going to happen on my first day of school." they said. "  You didn't think you were going to be trapped in the zombie safe room?" I ask. " Oh no. I knew that was going to happen. It's kinda my thing. I'm Zed." Zed said.  " (Y/n)." I say. " Today's a big day. I'm trying out for the football team." Zed says. " Today's a big day for me too. I get to help choose who's on the cheer squad sense today is cheer tryouts." I say. " My dad doesn't even think I'll make the team." Zed said. " Of course you will. You just need someone to cheer for and technically that is my job." I say. " So I'm not going to get low kicked?" Zed asks. " Your safe...For now." I say jokingly. He laughs and stands in front of me. The lights turned on and I jumped and punched the nearest thing and was Zed's...face. " Oh my god! Zed, I am so sorry when I get scared I punch the closest thing to me. I didn't mean to do that." I say. " It's fine." Zed says. Bucky comes in and pushes Zed away from me. " Eww! Zombie germs!" Tracy said. The door opened again and another zombie walks in with her arms crossed annoyed because she had to find Zed. She goes and stands next to Zed. " Stay away from my sister you zombies, and as you can see I don't have a high tolerance for zombies." Bucky said putting his hand out and having Tracy spray it. " Zed. Come on." I think her name is...Zhalia. Zed nods. Bucky drags me out with the ecy's following. We stopped next to my best friend, Summer. I walk up to her. " Hey Summer!" I say. " Hey (Y/n)!" Summer says.  " How are you?" I ask. " Good. You?" Summer asks smiling. " Good. Probably better than normal." I say. " Hey. I got to get to art." Summer says. " Alright. Bye!" I say waving while she walked away. I walked away from the ecy's and Bucky. I bumped into another friend of mine. Her name is Mia. " Hey Mia." I say. " Hey (Y/n)." Mia smiles. " Are you trying out for Cheerleading?" I ask. " Of course, but I got to go meet up with my study group." Mia says waving while walking away . I wave back.

Who's OC's they are in this chapter:


Name of OC: Mia


Name: Zhalia


Name: Summer

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