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"Amina Khan!" She finishes the sentence and my heart hammers in my chest

Me? Prom Queen?

"WHOO" Atiyah cheers loudly and encourages me to get up
I get out of my seat and make my way to the front, shaking as I go
Haseeb places the dainty crown on my head and I stand in a position where everyone can see me and take in what's just been given to me; the title of Prom Queen

Haseeb holds out his hand and I look at him confused. He mouths back something about a first dance and I realise what he's on about

He takes me to the middle of the floor and puts his hands on my waist and I shiver slightly. This is so haraam and weird but I love it secretly.

I put my arms around his neck and he pulls my slightly closer. The familiar angelic voice of Ed Sheehan fills the room and we sway slightly

"You look really amazing today" He whispers into my ear and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks
I look down to my feet and whisper a thank you quietly
"So, Prom Queen and King huh?" I say and he chuckles
"I know, it's us!" He says and I smile nodding my head

Soon the rest of the people join us and we're not alone anymore. I catch Myles dancing with Mus and they're acting like clowns, pretending to be a couple in love. I laugh at their stupidity and when Myles catches my eyes he sends me a breathtaking smile and I feel weak at my knees.

"Hey, so listen" Haseeb says breaking my fixed gaze on Myles
"Yeah? I ask
"I need to tell you something so promise me you won't say anything till I've finished" he says
"I promise" I reassure him and he takes a deep breath

"So you know how we've gotten so close recently?" He asks and I nod my head slowly and suddenly the thought of him becoming my friend for a joke passes through my head

"Well it's cause a few months ago I erm... I kinda realised that erm... I was erm..." he stutters and then stops
"Your were what?" I press, desperate to know
"I realised that I like you" he chokes out and I feel my feet stop moving and I stop dancing.
"What?" I ask in disbelief
"Carry on dancing" he instructs and I slowly put my arms around his neck again

"Just please, you don't have to tell me if you like me or not but I just wanted to tell you" he says a little worried and my heart breaks because I don't know if I even like him much anymore

Dr Stephenson said that I wouldn't have fallen for Myles if I had truly fallen for Haseeb

Fallen for Myles?
I haven't fallen for Myles

The music comes to a slow stop and I push Haseeb off of me and rush out the door, passing Myles as I do.
"Am-" he begins but I ignore him

I run towards the toilets and wash my hands with cold water. I feel so hot. I can feel the heat all over me.

Haseeb just told me he likes me & I kinda told myself that I've fallen for Myles
I walk out the bathroom and find a small back room and sit down on the chairs.

I lean my elbows on the table and sigh. I thought that life would get easier after my GCSEs but it turns out that I've just made it harder for myself

I hear footsteps and they stop at the door way. I avert my eyes to the shoes this person possess and it's definitely not Atiyah because he's got trainers on and it's not Haseeb because Haseeb's wearing dress shoes not trainers

"I knew I'd find you in a small room, alone" Myles speaks and I panic a little
I lift my head off the table and avoid eye contact with him. He walks towards me slowly and he sits next to me.

"What's wrong, hmm?" He asks and I don't answer
"Hey you were having an amazing time, what happened?" He asks and I don't respond again

He sighs but doesn't give up. He takes his hand into mine and I flinch and he let's go
"Hey hey what happened?" He asks softly, talking to me as if I'm fragile
"You happened!" I suddenly shout and he looks shocked
"What did I do?" He asks
"Haseeb told me he likes me today and if it wasn't for you he'd be my boyfriend now but I just had for fucking fall for you! It happens to me all the time. I always fall for people I could never have and it's fucking annoying. Do you know how hard it is to hide feelings you have for someone and today just shows me that I'm gonna be hiding my feelings all my life. I will never get married and it's all your fault" I shout and slap his shoulder

I get out of my chair and sigh frustratedly
"Amina" he whispers and my head turns around to see his eyes wide
Suddenly mine widen too when the realisation of what I just said hits me


Hey idk if I like this chapter
I think it's gonna get better now?


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