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Chapter 4


Mikhail bent down on one knee as he put his ear against Olivia’s stomach; even if the child was not born everyone had grown to love it. Mikhail pulled his head back with a surprise gasp and then laughed before clapping his hands.

“My grandson just kicked me!” Jeth snorted at his father’s silliness and Olivia gave a wide smile as her hands went down to rest on her abdomen.

“Da* papa! He’s very active nowadays, I think he cannot wait to get out of here” Olivia waddled over to the stuffy couch which was directly in front of the huge mahogany office table, she sighed as she sank into the leather. Jeth watched his tired wife from the other corner of the room his hands stuffed in his pockets, he himself was tired too and didn’t really want to deal with anything right now but he couldn’t say no or refuse his father’s orders.

“Well” The old man went over to the personal bar to pour himself a drink “The house has be taken care of, your mother has gone there almost everyday of the entire week to make sure that everything is in order and that all the necessities are all in place, we have already hired you house maids and chauffeurs but…that is not what I want to talk to you about” Mikhail turned to the sleeping Olivia who gave out tiny snores, her hands protectively wrapped around her stomach. Mikhail smiled, he was happy that his first son could find someone who he loved so dearly and someone who truly loved him back.

“Yes father?” Jeth stepped forward.

“She is gorgeous da?” Jeth smiled and looked down shaking his head.

“She is amazing papa” His voice full of pride.

“The baby, it is truly yours da? You two are not lying to us are you? I don’t want to give the entire Yurov Empire to a bastard child” Mikhail said regretfully.

“Father, believe me when I say I love her and that child is mine” Jeth’s protective side was surfacing and Mikhail could see it clearly, well this is the exact reaction one should have if someone said such a thing about his wife and child, but Mikhail let him continue “And Olivia, we have learnt to love each other I love her as much as she loves me I would do anything for her, as she would for me”

“Alright son, that’s great to hear then” Jeth began to relax and Mikhail gave him a pat on the back. A sense of pride swirling in his insides, he had raised the boy right.

“But there is a issue about your little brother…Roman da?” Jeth stiffened, he really didn’t want to talk about this right now, it was almost midnight for God’s sake he just wanted to pick his wife into the warm embrace of his arms and rush her into the car before heading home so they could cuddle in their new home and welcome their new bed. He let out a long sigh. “He came to me more than once do you know?” Jeth’s head whipped to his father, his eyes narrowing into slits and a frown beginning to cloud onto his face.

“What do you mean pa?” Mikhail was calm as he went around the table to sit in the main chair, still drinking whatever alcohol he had in his hand. It didn’t occur to Jeth which brother would have asked of such a big thing from their father, but he thought that the more rational and reasonable person who would have asked for such a thing would probably Arthur and which in that case he did not mind very much. “Arthur?” Jeth began to walk over to the mini bar and quietly poured himself a drink as well.

“Roman has been coming back, he wants part of the company”

“And are you going to give it to him?” Jeth asked wearily he was tired of hearing about Roman and his wants.

“Nyet*, he has no experience in the tough business, what I called you here for today was I am giving the empire to you, as of tomorrow and when your child is born it will be his, I feel I should retire, I am tired and I want to spend more time with your mother as I have promised. But I will be coming to the office occasionally to see how things are going.”

“Da, and if it is a girl?”

“Then we wait for Arthur or until you have another child, a son.” Jeth gave a humorless laugh; he quickly looked over at Olivia making sure that she didn’t hear what his father had just said. He didn’t want her to worry over the child’s gender.

“That is all, you will be at the office tomorrow will you not?” Jeth placed his drink gently on a coaster before straightening himself and walking over to his father, the fact that his father was giving him his multi-billionaire empire was just starting to settle in, he smiled a genuine smile before the men exchanged a half hug.

“Thank you papa” Jeth was swelling with joy and he couldn’t wait until he could share this news with his wife, she was still soundly sleeping on the couch. To him she was an angel, his angel.

“Now go, take Livy home to rest or else your mother will make me sleep on the couch tonight, the love she has for that unborn grandchild is unbelievable” Jeth smirked at his father who was sighing tiredly before he walked over to his wife and gently coaxed her to sit up. He took her in his arms and after a few minutes she was finally settled nicely in his arms, her hands resting around his neck and her head leaning on the crook of his neck. Olivia breathed in the scent of her husband and wrapped her arms around him tighter.

“Jeth…” Olivia mumbled.

“We’re going home now Livy it’s okay” Olivia fell back asleep and Mikhail watched from the corner of his room the sweet encounter. His son was bent down and had Olivia in his arms; she was mumbling words to him before she finally fell back asleep letting his son carry her out the door and into the car.

“Well dad I’m leaving now, I’ll see you tomorrow alright?”

“Da, have a safe ride home you two”

After the couple had left Mikhail began to relax in his chair enjoying the drink in his hand and waiting for the return of his wife from the wedding. His eyes were closing bit by bit but before he could fall into a deep sleep the sound of footsteps had him alert again, he was expecting his wife but instead his second son came into view.


“Ah Roman” Roman sauntered over to his fathers table, it was now the third time that he had gone over to the Yurov mansion to ask for something so great that his siblings hadn’t even thought about. “What are you doing here so late? Did the wedding go as planned?” His father waved him off as he turned the chair around to face the window instead of his second son.      

“You know what I am here for father” Roman replied gruffly.

“Roman we have discussed this, you are not to take over the business until I feel it is time for you to do so.” Roman slammed his hands down onto the mahogany table.

“WHY IS JETH GETTING EVERYTHING? WHY IS ARTHUR CONTROLLING THE MARKETING AREA WHY IS JETH INHERTING THE CORPORATION-“ Roman had burst, he was tired of his father not trusting him or letting him have a share in the companies output.

“Because he is married and his wife is with child” Mikhail cut in calmly at that Roman stopped his ranting and yelling abruptly and in a sinister low voice he managed to growl out, his fingers scraping at the wood but leaving no marks.

“He has a wife because he stole mine, that child in her womb is supposed to be where my child is. He has taken two things that are mine so enlighten me father why is he the one getting everything? I have worked hard also!”

“Because he is in a stable marriage and he has a wife who is IN love with him” Roman gave an estranged cry and gripped at the roots of his hair but before he could retaliate the matriarch of the Yurov family had a hand on her second sons shoulder, trying to soothe him before he can do anymore damage.

“Roman, go home, go home, it is late, you need to rest, go home do not tire your father over this, go home or go upstairs to your room it is also fine but please child. Not tonight, everyone is tired.” His mother’s hand was now caressing the side of his face and Roman leaned into it before closing his eyes and exhaling loudly.

“Okay, I will go, I will drop the matter, I will be upstairs”

*Da= Yes

*Nyet= No

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