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Chapter 5


“Mother it is so good to see you! Why are you here so late! You should have come earlier!” It was 5 o’clock in the afternoon and Olivia was working on dinner with the housemaids, she was busy baking some cupcakes that she knew Jeth loved. The frosting just about ready to be touched onto the soft surface of the golden cupcakes until the doorbell rung and Olivia opened the door to reveal her mother.

“Livy I miss you so much my dear, Anna was supposed to accompany me but she went to the doctors”

“Oh is she alright?” Olivia asked worriedly, Anna had never needed to go to the hospital. Her mother looked hesitant and rather uncomfortable but in the end she smiled and waved it off.

“Mother?” Now it was Olivia’s turn to be hesitant.

“Anna is fine sweet heart, how are you?” Olivia had her mother come inside and led her to the kitchen where there were two maids scurrying around trying to get everything in order.

“Pepe, Nina it is fine everything is in order you may just put it on the dinner table and cover it up I will finish off with the cupcakes with my mother” Olivia smiled at the two maids who adored her as they left to do what she has asked them too. Olivia on the other hand began to pick up the utensils and continued to put frosting on the cupcakes, Olivia’s mother sat across her on a stool and help slather frosting as they continued their conversation.

“How is the baby?” Olivia’s mother broke the comfortable silence.

“It is fine, it kicked Mikhail last night” Her mother laughed. “Yes really Mikhail was leaning his head against my stomach and the baby kicked him!” The women broke out in giggles. 

“How is Jeth?” Olivia smiled; she loved hearing her husband’s name. He was so caring towards her and he would never do anything to hurt her she knew, because of all those years they had in Russia he had never forced her into anything, he had never abused her physically or verbally and in the end they fell in love with each other. She also liked how Jeth played fair, he wouldn’t lie, and he wouldn’t cheat, that was evident. The Yurov family would look down upon him if he did. Plus the line of his descendants, his line of Russian blood would make him unlikely to cheat on someone he loved so much. When they had figured out that Olivia was pregnant, 3 years into their marriage Jeth had cut down his work hours so that he could come home earlier to his wife and therefore he had more time to look after her and more time to spend with her and his growing baby.

“He is great mama, really great, I love him so much, these cupcakes you see it is his favorite!”

“Of course it is sweetheart, Livy come sit down you should rest” Olivia opened the cupboard to get a small plate where she rested the butter knife on and a large plate to place all the baked cupcakes, she was circling the table to come sit next to her mother when the door bell rang again.

“Hold on, I’ll be right back, ma help yourself to a cupcake!”

“Livy, I can get the door! It is fine!” Her mother was already standing up, but Olivia politely waved her off with her hand and smiled.

“No mama it is fine it is just the door, why is it everyone thinks I cannot do anything just because I am pregnant?” Olivia huffed. Little did she know the baby in her womb meant so much more than just a child. The baby if it were a boy he would inherit the whole Yurov multi-billionaire empire and he would also be the first grandson to the Yurov’s, if the baby were a girl on the other hand she would be married to one of the most prestigious men and would grow up to be an elegant and esteemed woman such as her mother. To the Yurov family the coming of a baby meant the coming of an inevitable and subconsciously they knew when the baby is born a lot of things would change. Olivia lifted her hand to the door handle and pushed it open when she looked up she was shocked as to who decided to visit her new grand humble abode. Roman, in all his handsome glory, blonde hair, blue eyes a firm build but a giddy look on his face made outshone everything else, he was obviously…drunk…again. Olivia remembered what her friends and everyone else especially Jeth had told her, that it was important that she stayed away from Jeth during the period of her pregnancy and during these past few months so when he stood there in front of her Olivia became a tad insecure and unsure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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