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  I could hear everyone, but I was too weak to respond. Almost like a coma I guess, just not really a coma. 

  Cody was sitting in the chair by my head, holding tightly onto my hand. 

  They had let Corey in the room once they had me set up tp everything. The doctors didn't know if my body was going to be able to recover from this, and frankly, neither was I. I didn't really know if I wanted to. Right now I just feel so tired, too tired to care if my body would stop killing itself. 

 "Did you get ahold of your dad?" Corey asks. 

 "Yea, he's on his way." My brother responds.

 It was silent for a while. "Corey, can you leave please. I want to be with my sister alone for a moment." Cody's voice was quiet. 

  "Yea of course man." 

  I heard scuffles and a door shut. 

Shortly after I heard sniffles. 

 "They said it's real bad this time Clo." I feel a wet spot on his face, undeniably one of his tears. "I should've taken this more seriously. I should've forced you to eat or made you go back to rehab. I thought it was just going to ride it's course like before, but I was wrong. I'm suppose to be your big brother; I'm suppose to protect you. You're my baby sister, I'm not suppose to let this happen to you." 

I use the little energy I actually had to squeeze his hand. I knew that none of this was his fault, and so should he. 

 He gently climbs into the small hospital bed and lies down next to me. He did this the first time I was in the hospital; he stayed with me for two days. 

 He kissed my forehead, and I could feel his tear-stained cheeks. 

 "Take a nap Cloe. Maybe it'll help you." He didn't have to tell me twice. Once I was positive my brother was done talking, I fell into a deep sleep.


  "What do you mean? How is that even possible!?" I hear a voice scream and instantly recognized it as my dad's. 

 Oh no, am I dead? I turn my head slightly to get a view of the heart monitor. it was still on so I defiantly wasn't dead. 

  I open my eyes all the way and sit myself up, causing one of the many machines hooked up to me to beep. 

  My dad turns away from the doctor he had been talking to and rushes to my side. 

 "Don't move too fast Clo."

 "Where's Cody? I want my brother." My voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk. 

 "I'll go get him. I'm so glad you're okay." My dad kisses my cheek before walking out of the room with the doctor. As soon as they walk out, Cody comes in.

   "Hey Clo." I could tell his smile was fake. Something was wrong.

  "What's going on? Why was Dad yelling at the doctor?" 

   Cody grabs my hand and squeezes it.  "The doctor's don't know how you're still alive Cloe; and mostly they don't know how your baby is still alive." 

  It felt like my heart stopped. "Baby?" I managed to choke out the words. 

  "Yea; a baby."

  Realization set in and the tears slipped down my cheeks. "It can't be Corey's." 

  Cody rubs his thumb across my hand and wipes my tears before dabbing away his own. "I know. It's his."

   "How is that fair?" I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself in this situation. Why does he just get to come in and ruin my life how he did. And now I'm going to have a kid because of him and he just gets to get away with it.

    Cody shakes his head and hugs me tight.

  "They're calling her a miracle baby though, Cloe." 

   "Her... she's a girl?" I felt myself choke up.

  "Yea, I'm gonna have a niece." His smile was genuine now. I wish I could feel as happy about this as he did. 

 "Did they tell Dad and Corey?" 

  "They did, and none of us are going to walk away Cloe. We'll all support any decision you make." 

   In that moment I made a decision that I knew I would end up regretting, but I did it anyways. 

 "It was Bryce Harper. He's who raped me."

 I could see Cody's face drop and the anger boil inside if him. His voice was dangerously low when he spoke, "The Bryce Harper?" 

  I nodded, and hid my fear when I watched his eyes shade darker and his nose start to twitch, something he only does when he's about to blow up.  

 "I have to go. I'll be back." He turns to walk out of the room.

   "Cody," I say and he turns. "Don't do anything stupid.. please."

  "I can't make any promises."


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