** Rosalyn's POV **
I was getting ready for the dinner date with Rosie and Matthew when Carter came and tackled me onto the bed. I was in the middle of putting mascara on but Carter had just smudged it all over me. "Ugh Carter!" you yell playfully. "don't worry babe, you look gorgeous without all your makeup anyway" Carter said to me. I just smiled. I got a text from Rosie one minute later. The message read "Hey Rosalyn, Matthew and I will meet you and Carter at the restaurant in ten minutes" I whipped into the kitchen grabbed the keys and rushed out the door.
** Carter's POV **
I offered to drive so Rosalyn handed over the keys. "Looking good babe"
Rosalyn complimented me and said "You look good to dork". We pulled up to the restaurant and saw Matthew and Rosie. We were allocated to our table where we had an amazing view of NYC. The cars and taxis were zooming past the restaurant. Bright lights flashed and horns beeped. Rosalyn and I ordered followed by Matthew and Rosie. I had a conversation with Matthew and he said he thought it was the right time to propose to Rosie tomorrow. I congratulated him and said I was happy for him. After our meals we all headed back home.
** Matthew's POV **
I was driving home with Rosie and we had the radio turned up loud with our favourite song playing 'Justin Bieber - Boyfriend'. Carter called me and I answered, not paying attention to the road. I ended the call too late and a truck was about to crash head on with us. It was too late and I couldn't do anything. I told Rosie I loved her and she replied "what?" In a confused tone.
Ooh cliffhanger
Sorry I haven't updated in ages I have been so busy in jail (school) 😋
New chapter up soon :)
- Isabella 💕