Chapter 3:

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Tryout Countdown - 8 days.

Today was a history day but I wasn't till third period. I had Japanese and math to get through first. I made it through both classes like normal. I payed attention, wrote notes and listened to the teacher babble on about our next assignment.

My mind was reeling with what might happen in history. I rushed to history and sat down on the metal chair. I fixed my hair and prepared myself for those boys to come running around the corner. It had been 5 minutes and they still hadn't come.

I sighed and rested my head in my hands.

He was there, by my side staring at the side of my face.

"Hey, you" he said softly, a smile spreading across his face. And in that moment, I fell in love all because of a smile but not just any smile, his smile.

"Hey" I replied weakly. He rested his forehead against mine, his lips slowly and softly touched mine. Harry smiled into our kiss and grabbed my face as I grabbed his. This was the best moment of my of life. I didn't want him to pull away but he did anyway.

"I love you, Victoria" he said, my heart fluttered. I felt as if I could fly, I was invincible.

"What about Taylor?"

"She can't compare to you" we both smiled and Harry wrapped his arms around me, pulling close to his chest. This is where I feel safe, don't let me go. Please Harry, whatever you do don't let me go.

"We have class now" he mumbled into my hair.


"Remember, I love you" he kissed me once more, and looked me in the eyes. We stayed like that, he's incredible and I am invisible but together we're perfect.

"Victoria? Are you alright?" A voice said, Mr Brennan. I sighed, it was just a dream.

"Uh yeah, I'm just tired that's all"

"Come in" he went and sat down at his desk and I took my place in my original seat. I don't want to seem to eager - or eager at all - to be with them.

Ten minutes had passed and only Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn had arrived. No Harry, maybe he's sick. I looked around, no Taylor either. My stomach turned and I felt as if I might throw up. He's probably with her right now, hugging her, kissing her, pleasing her, making her feel like the only girl in the world to him.

I was jealous and my heart hurt, he wouldn't even give me a chance. Who was I compared to Taylor? A nobody. She could give him things that I never would be able to in my lifetime. She pretty, not too thin, rich (looking but probably is too) and she's head cheerleader. She's got everything.

He came strolling in with 30 minutes to go, his hand intertwined with Taylor's. My heart sank. I knew it, who knows what they'd been doing. Harry's hair was messier than I've noticed lately. I assumed the worst. He sat down with his friends and she went to hers. I sat with my head down, I didn't want anyone to see me this distraught over a boy.

My feeling escape me and tears fall. I make this horrid crying noise and am excused from class to go sit on grass to calm down.

"Hey" they sat down beside me casually.

"Hey" I said quietly.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"Don't bullshit me" oh that sass. I looked up and it was Louis, I thought the other day was a once-off thing.

"Just my stupid emotions"

"Boys?" I stayed silent and looked away, my eyes flooding with more tears. "Dumped?" I shook my head. "Out-of-your-league crush?" I nodded. "Who?"

"Can I trust you not to tell?"

"Of course" he had that fake look of offensiveness. "I don't break promises to ladies"

I giggled through the tears, "well, it's... it's Harry"

He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded. "He's a heartbreaker that one"

"Is that all you have to say?" I apologised for being harsh. He shrugged. "I just don't know what's wrong with me, I've never had a crush before! what do I do?"

"Try being his friend first, come hang out with us, make him comfortable around and take things from there" he turned and smiled at me "and if you need help, I'm your friend, you can just come ask me" Friend. It feels kinda nice to have a friend. Someone I can talk to if there's something on my mind.

"Thanks" I return the smile and we go inside.

He tells me to come sit with them and I do. They're funny and before long there's no sign that I've been crying at all. Louis try's his hardest to get Harry and I talking about a common interest but it's like I'm from another time. I know nothing about movies or music or technology just books and I don't think Harry's the type of boy who reads.

"So, what do you do then, if you don't watch movies or date people?" Harry asked, this is after an extensive conversation about the firmness of 'Batman's' nipples in 'Batman and Robin'. I had no clue what they were saying except that 'Batgirl' was apparently hot.

"Swim, school work or read. Either that or I'm at work"

"What do you read?"

"Whatever's around but my mum has this really old copy of 'Animal Farm' and I've read that like a thousand times"

"I haven't read it"

"At the end it kinda just leaves you thinking. I can lend it to you if you want"

"That'd be great" Harry says with a smile, the other boys were just sitting quietly but Louis now had this smile on his face. His work was complete, we had a proper conversation about a common interest and now I have an excuse to see him more. The fact it's about something as nerdy as a book should be irrelevant, I mean, talking to him is talking to him, right? It shouldn't matter what about, he's noticing me.

The bell rang and we left, Louis clinged to my arm making sure I didn't slink away. Harry grabbed a hold of Taylor's hand and pulled her close as we all walked. They went to the spot they sit at. It was just a patch of grass at the back of the oval near the fence. I guess no one can see what they're doing back here. I'm the last to sit down, I'm guessing Taylor didn't notice me there until I sat down.

"What's she doing here?" Taylor scowled at me, it made her face look quite unattractive.

"Relax, she's only a friend" Harry said pulling her onto his lap, then proceeding to make out with her.

Only a friend, huh, maybe that's all I'll ever be to him. Just a friend. I looked away, this was awkward. How could he do something so intimate like this in front of his friends? It's like they're not even here.

Liam tried to start a group conversation but his attempts only worked with his friends. They started talking about sport, soccer, I think. A little while later Louis' and Liam's girlfriends arrived and tried talking to me about 'girl issues'. They even invited me shopping with them one day but it think they were just being polite.

Both of these girls were beautiful, it made me feel so out of place. They were all talented too, Danielle danced and Eleanor was a model. To be honest they could both be models. I can see why these boys like them, they're gorgeous and from what I know they are amazing people too.


Tryout countdown - 7 days.

Harry didn't show today so I spent the day alone, anything other than that is a blur. I"m trying not to let this bother me. Every time I think about it, I realise that he was probably with Taylor doing god knows what.

After school I do my training routine, I can't let thoughts of Harry get in the way of my training. He kept creeping back in. That smile. Those eyes. His hair. I'm doing this for you, and me too. But you.

If only Taylor wasn't around.

It would be so much easier for you to notice me.

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