Chapter 2:

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Just as I was about to answer, the tall boy spoke "you don't have to be a dick Aaron, it's not like you know everything" he paused and I was left shocked once again but this time I think Aaron was more than me. "Jeez give the girl a break!" I wasn't sure how I felt with a strange boy sticking up for me, at first I was happy because someone stood up for me but then I was annoyed because he didn't have to nor did I need him to; believe it or not I can fight my own battles.

Is it because I'm a girl and they think I'm weak and am some sort of damsel in distress? Well I certainly am not! Instead of speaking up I just stared at my lap while I fiddled with my fingers.

"Hey Tori" a familiar voice said, my head shot up. Did I just get nicknamed? It was Louis... again. "Come sit over here, with us, we'll help you" He glared at Aaron then looked at me and winked. Nobodies ever winked at me before.

I was unsure at first but eventually gathered up my stuff and pulled over a seat in between the blond one and the boy with the makeup. I sat awkwardly, I didn't know these people or what to say to them. How are you supposed to talk to boys? The only boy I've ever known was my dad.

Instead of trying, I stayed quiet hoping that one of them would speak just to break the tension. "I'm sorry about Aaron, he can be such a dick" the tall boy said, his voice was deep and raspy.

"That's ok" I said "people always treat me like that, I just got used to it so much I don't even notice anymore" I shrugged it off, I don't even know why they cared anyway, we just met and I don't even know all their names! They were kind though I'll give them that. I was uncertain whether or not I could trust these boys or not, they could genuinely wanting to be kind to me or they went something and I didn't dare to think what that might be.

"What do you need help with?" The shaggy haired boy asked and all their eyes turned on me.

"Umm well I've never used one of these things before so, everything?" They spent the next 30 minutes trying to help me but I was hopeless at it. We all eventually gave up and started to talk and I learnt there more of their names.

The blond boy was Niall, (who really wasn't that blond at all) and by his accent I could tell that he was Irish. The shaggy haired boy was Liam and he has a girlfriend named Sophia. The boy that looked like he had eye make up on was Zayn and he was dating a girl named Perrie. I also learnt that Louis is with a girl named Eleanor and Niall is single he winked at me when he said it. That's twice in one day!

The tall boy still remained anonymous though, mainly because he spent most of the lesson flirting with a group of popular girls across the room. One in particular. She had long blonde hair that fell in waves and a flawless face, I can see why he liked her, she was perfect. I felt a twinge in my chest, a strange feeling that I've never had before.

"What's his name?" I asked gesturing my head towards the tall flirtatious one.

"That's Harry" a nice name too I might add "don't mind him, he likes girls a lot" Louis was the first to answer.

I looked down at my feet and just let it be after that. I didn't want to seem irritating and ruin a chance of maybe making an acquaintance for once. Boys were complicated and weird, they classify girls under 'pretty' or 'ugly' and that's it. They don't even know them before they judge them. I've never been called pretty by a boy before, or a girl for that matter. No one besides my parents but I think that it's a bit biased when it used to come from them.

I looked back over at Harry. I'll admit he was cute but I didn't see how he attracted so many girls. There was about 8 over there now each of them hanging off his every word, twirling their hair or high pitched giggling when he made a joke.

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