Chapter 4

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Tryout countdown - 6 days

Harry was here today, I saw him walk in to school with Taylor hanging off his arm. He smiled when he saw me, it was a different kind of smile though, not the one I wanted. It was quick and friendly, like that's what he wants me to be, a friend and only that. I wanted the smile he gives Taylor, where his eyes light up and sparkle with the sight of her. I want him to stop and stare at me the way he does her.

She doesn't deserve him, he's too kind and beautiful to be with her. She's the wicked witch of the west and Harry's an angel. His curls, his green eyes, his hands, his mouth, everything about him makes my heart race.

I already knew life could be unfair but this is getting ridiculous. Can't I ever have people jealous of me? Just once.

I sat with them on the oval again at lunch. Once again I was talking to Danielle and Eleanor, I'm unsure of the nature of our relationship. Are we acquaintances or friends, I don't know. I would like to be friends with these girls but whether they'd voluntarily hang out with me is a different story.

I brought the book for Harry, I mean, I had it yesterday as well but I wasn't going to tell him that. He'd probably think I was a creep if I did. Him and Taylor were busy being a couple most of the break, she'd kill me with her eyes if I broke that up. I had to wait for the opportune moment.

Eventually Taylor got off his lap and managed to sit on the ground for ten minutes without touching Harry. It truly was a miracle. I took my moment before it disappeared.

"Harry, I brought that book for you" I outstretched my hand with the copy of 'Animal Farm' in my grasp.

"Cool, thanks" he smiled and took the book from my hand.

"Sorry about it being a bit ancient but it's still good"

"Older books are better anyway" his smile turned to a smirk, I think I began melting. Harry gently put the book into his backpack. That's my book he's got in his bag, I began geeking out over the fact he was borrowing my book. I'm pathetic.

"A book? How nerdy" our little moment was interrupted by Taylor. I rolled my eyes before turning to face her.

"Books aren't nerdy" I blurted out.

"Coming from a nerd" she retaliated.

"Coming from an illiterate cheerleader" I snapped back, I felt rude. Not towards Taylor but to Harry, I don't know I just feel I was insulting him not Taylor.

"Guys... stop" Louis stepped in, good thing too, I felt like I wanted to lunge at her throat and strangle her. How could Harry be attracted to someone so horrid. She's nasty, I don't wanna say I'd be better for him than her but I'm not sure. Taylor can give him more than I can. He can have a life with her.

I went through the rest of the break receiving death glares from Taylor and the occasional smirk in my direction after she finished making out with him. She just loves to rub it in my face when she has something I don't. Harry didn't notice of course, he never does.

I honestly don't know what I'm expecting to happen, like one day Harry will wake up and realise that he didn't really want to be with Taylor after all and he dumps her for me. Like that would happen! I'm living in a fantasy if I think that'll ever happen.

I wish it would though. Is it so impossible for a fairy tale to happen in reality? I never thought I'd ever like someone like this, it's crazy, not to mention it hurts. It hurts to know he'll never like me the same way, I'll always be 'just a friend'.

Work came far to quickly, it's the first shift I've had since being 'friends' with the boys. What if they come in? Then they'd see me in my uniform and laugh. I'd die of embarrassment! Or worse, if Taylor walked in. I'd never live it down! I don't want to go to work, I do not want to go to work.


Tryout countdown 5-4 days

It turns out work wasn't so bad, neither the boys nor Taylor came in and my shift was peaceful. I don't know why I was so worried, it's a job and I need money, so what? Taylor will probably never have to work a day in her life, her parents are probably rich and people will give pretty people whatever they want. Sometimes the unfair advantages get even more unfair.

I had work once more on Saturday. It wasn't as quiet as Friday but I found it just as peaceful. All the people coming in and out made me forget about Harry and Taylor and the ache in my stomach disappeared for a little while.

After work I decided to go for a swim in the warm air to unwind. The water was anything but calm, which was unusual for here. I got in a paddled about, rinsing my hair under the cool water of the mini waterfall. After a while I just ignored the way the water felt and enjoyed that I was there.

Everything was going fine until I heard some shouts and cheers coming from about 100 metres away. I ran out of the water and climbed up the nearest tree. I waited and they got closer. I looked down and realised I left my towel and bracelet that my mother gave me on the rocks. 'Shit' I thought, 'maybe they won't see it.' I was careful not to move. I contemplated rushing down and getting then but they were too close, I wouldn't make it.

The group of people came over to the waterfall, that's when I got a good look at them. It was Taylor and Harry and Niall and Louis and Liam. There was no way that they wouldn't see me or my belongings that are still lying on the rocks. The boys stripped down to their underwear and jumped in, Taylor was a bit more careful but still had a bikini on underneath.

I realised that climbing this tree was not a good idea as I will probably be sitting her for hours, I just pray this branch is strong. It feels sturdy but I wasn't gonna take any chances, I looked up and found one that looked sturdier. I careful stood and climbed up to it. The branch shook as my feet left it causing them to look in the direction I had been hiding. I closed my eyes and stayed as still as possible. They didn't see me but Taylor spotted my stuff and went over to the rock.

"Someone left their stuff behind" she said looking over it.

"Maybe we scared them and they just ran" Harry spoke "just leave it"

"It's an ugly bracelet" Taylor added, "wait.."

"What is it babe?" Harry was now hugging her from behind, I cringed at the sight.

"Nothing, just swear I've seen this before"

"Doesn't matter" he whispered as she turned around and kissed him. My heart sank and a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt so empty.

They didn't leave for about another half hour, my heart was racing the entire time thinking that they were going to see me. I was relieved that it wasn't longer than that, I don't know how much I could take sitting in this tree.

I climbed down out of the tree and went back over to the water. That was crazy, I know they probably won't be coming back but in order to settle my nerves, I left. I picked up my towel and went to walk home when I realised my bracelet was gone. I ran back over to the rock and looked everywhere but it was no use, it had vanished. My mind flicked back to Taylor and how she was looking over my stuff. She must have taken it! How will I ever get it back now?!

I walk back home, my mind racing. Did she take it? If she did, why? She must have known. Remembered seeing on my wrist on day. I bet she just wants to see what I'll do. If that's the case I'll just have to play it cool and hope she doesn't bring it up; ever!

A fight broke out in my mind. Should I leave it or should I confront her? I don't want people asking questions because If people found out they'd ask why I was there. I couldn't tell them that I live in the forest. In a tree house!! I'm already an outcast as it is, I don't want to make it any worse than it already is. On the other hand, my mother gave me that bracelet. It's far to beautiful for Taylor to have. There's only one person who could get it back for me. I'll confront Harry, tell him what happened. He'll help me. I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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