chapter one

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(((((((((((((((((((((((Chapter One)))))))))))))))))

I slowly crept around the side of the ship. It was much larger than all the other ones that had washed up. I pressed my bony back against the dark, mossy, damp wood and clutched my small dagger, I would be no match for a rifle.

I'm Rose by the way, the whole world is in chaos, some strange illness suddenly bloomed out of nowhere a couple years ago, and now, well, let's just say you stay alone, don't trust anyone and stay alive. I'm 13, bit young to be surviving on my own, but that's how it is, I've been doing this since I was 11, only been caught 5 times, escaped all 5 times.

What do you mean by 'escape' I hear you ask? Well, there are large groups of people, trying to take control of the chaos, they do it completely by force, they kidnap you and torture you until you swear to obey them and be their slaves. Then they take total control of you. Harsh, that's why I'm totally terrified, I have no idea what's on the boat.

I took a couple deep breaths, flicked my way too long blond hair out of my eyes and began to climb the rusty old ladder, hanging off the side of the boat. I winced every time it groaned under my weight. I took another deep breath and peeked over the edge and breathed a sigh of relief. I shot a glance over my shoulder (now a habit) and hoisted myself over the side, landing on the deck. I hopped up and brushed myself off, before beginning to search for supplies. I rummaged through all the cabins, every single corner, and only found a tiny bit of food and water. I sighed, life was so hard. I found some clothes that only just fit me, long pants that I rolled up three times, and a long sleeved shirt that I rolled up three times to. All the shoes were miles to big, I didn't need any anyway. I lay on one of the hammocks, wondering what happened to this ship. Maybe the whole crew fell over board? The ship seemed unharmed. A capsize? The ship would've washed up smashed and at least on its side. Or maybe they abandoned ship? That was the most likely answer.

Suddenly a soft moan sounded. I sat up, totally alert. Nothing. Must have been the boat. Slightly unsettled, I lay back down, only to be shook again by more moaning, I wasn't alone. At least the other thing sounded in pain, they shouldn't be too much of a threat. I slipped out of the bed and grabbed my knife, inching my way onto the deck. I took another deep breath and closed my eyes (another bad habit) before peeking around the corner, I almost fainted.

Literally TIED to the massive, thick mast was a boy. He couldn't have been much older than me. His shirt was absent and he wore long cargo pants, rolled up at the ends like mine. His eyes were squeezed shut and his head rolled around. He moaned again, skewing up his face. I finally noticed it, the blood; it was like a little puddle around him. His leg was sliced open and was still pumping blood.

I stood there, in the doorway, eyes wide and hands trembling. I didn't trust anyone, I should just slip away, avoid the risk of being killed. But another, stronger, part of me willed me to stay, to help him. His death wasn't going to be a very nice one.

The sympathy won over me and I fiddled around for something, anything to throw at him. I settled on a small pebble, god knows what a pebble was doing on a boat, and threw it, as it flew I scampered around to the other side of the mast, where he couldn't see me. The pebble hit him square on his sore leg and he yelped.

" Please please, I don't know nothing else, please, I've told you everything," he sobbed, and braced himself for an attack, he realized that it wasn't going to come and he opened his eyes and looked around.
Suddenly I roughly grabbed his shoulders and put my knife to his throat, he froze.
" Who are you?" I said.
" I'm, I'm Jacob, I'm 15, and, um, I'm from Madagascar, please don't kill me" He whimpered.

Yes people, we're in Africa, so dangerous people weren't the only things we had to worry about.

" What do you want?" I said coldly. He whimpered again.
" Just to be free," he said softly. I released him and paused for a moment. He didn't sound like a threat, but some people were good actors. Then I stepped in front of him, frowning. He seemed surprised that I was so small, but tonight I was turning 14, so I shouldn't be that small. Then he saw the blood stained knife and he looked horrified, he wriggled back into the mast, as if he wasn't already glued to it. I ignored him and sat down, inspecting his wound. I gently rolled up the trouser leg and poked and probed the wound. It was deep, and still bleeding.
I hurried back into the cabin to find some form of bandage.
" Please, all I need is a bandade," he called. I laughed,
" well you're going to need a bloody big bandade to fix that up," I laughed. He said nothing. I continued to shuffle through the cabin.

Finally I found an old soft towel and some thin rope. I tore the towel into thin strips and headed back outside. Without looking at him I began to bandage his leg. He seemed so shocked that he didn't move; only flinched when I pressed too hard. I finished bandaging it and sat in front of him, studying him with cold eye. He was studying me to. I wasn't use to such close contact. I hadn't spoken in a long time, only to myself sometimes. I didn't know what expect, an attack? Kindness? Cursing? I had no idea.

I had way too long blond hair, that I was planning to cut tonight, ocean blue eyes and tanned skin. I had a frail shape but I was tougher than most people. The boy was well tanned and the colour was returning to his face, he had untidy brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was totally ripped with muscles, and he was the picture of a boy that my sisters would always be talking about. He was, according to them, 'hot' or 'OH MY GOD JUST WOW JUST YES!' I didn't really know what the second one meant but I understood and agreed on the first one. But I still didn't trust him.
He gave me a half smile, and there they were; the things I'd wished for my whole life, fricking dimples.
" What?" I said helplessly. He shrugged.

I got up and headed for the side of the boat, I needed time to think.
" Wait, are you just going to leave me here?! PLEASE! Seriously?! Come back!" He yelled to me. I didn't turn back; I had the rest of the day to hunt for food and water. I smiled to myself, he was actually really sweet. But I didn't know if that was a mask, or the real deal, I could never trust anyone. And I don't think I ever will.

((((((((((((((((((((((((End Chapter One))))))))))))))))))

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