chapter nine

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I'm uploading most of this in one go so I'm running out of ideas for captions :(
When you read this is it like the lights going out in the cinimar and the movie is about to start? Thats how it feels when I read books on here. :)
But yeah! Thanks for reading! If you make it past this chapter I'll give you another medel! :)
that sounded like bribary :/
ok this is getting weird. sooooo...



(((((((((((((((((((((((((((Chapter Nine))))))))))))))))))

About 3 years had passed. Jacob was 18 and I was 16. His brown hair had been replaced by long dreadlocks. I had grown a lot less petite and more firm. Life was almost back to normal, we hadn't had any bad parts since the camp, when I saw Darrin. I keep trying to picture what he would look like now, 19 years old, it was hard, he always looked like a 12 year old boy playing marbles on the street, not a muscular man who played with guns.

" Rose? Did you hear any of what I just said?" Jacob smirked. I blushed.

" Never mind anyway. But, do you ever think that maybe we're the only ones left?" He asked, squatting around the small fire. I shook my head.

" No, I worry about the Terrims, I think they're strong now," I shivered, rubbing my hands together. He nodded. We were never safe, we never will be. I fell asleep pretty fast after we out the fire out. The tree was pretty comfy, and for the first time in ages, I slept like a rock.

Suddenly rough hands yanked me out of the tree. I was blindfolded, my hands tired behind my back. I heard the safety cap of a gun go off and the cold barrel was pressed to my head.

" Move," a familiar voice grumbled. I could work out who it was, why hadn't Jacob woken up? and more importantly, WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING?!

" You're going to do as I say and you won't get hurt ok," they grumbled again. Yep, it's official, it was Jacob.

The boy that I saved

The boy that saved me

The boy with the sweet smile

The boy with the limp

The boy with the dreadlocks

That boy, had betrayed me.

9999999end chapter nine99999

00000000END OF BOOK ONE00000000


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Everything is all about you guys, the readers.

So you guys are my precious jewls, I dont want to let a single one of you fall and shatter.


>o (heres that medal ;) )


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